Humble Servant of All
All praise to You Jesus! For all that You already have blessed me and for all the love You have given me I pray that You bless my daughter, my husband, my family and myself with prosperity in all we do, guidance to be instruments of the will of God, peace at heart, feeling safe and loved, with love to share, and with protection against all evil. Bless us to be kind always I pray for my patients, that there be peace and love and kindness at the ward - that Your divine presence is felt and known at the ward That You guide us who work there so we help the patients exactly as they need and as it please You, Lord Bless the ward so all coworkers are friendly and kind to each other Please protect the ward from evil. Bless this day for my daughter Thst she feels safe and loved. Protect her against Amy trauma Please let her feel confident in herself and others. Please help me and my husband to figure out this periode of defiance and anger/sadness she is feeling - please help us see clearly what she needs and be able to put it into action Amen