All my musical instruments belongs to Jesus because He has given me a talent to sing songs of praise. My tamborinne, my oboo, my electric guitar, and my expensive electric piano all belongs to God and I mus use it for His glory and honor. Please pray for all the musicians and those who are song leaders to be full of the Holy Spirit so they can sing in the spirit giving glory and honor to Jesus for His suffering on the cross. Also pray for the organist to be closer to God and when she plays the organ millions of angels in heaven will join us in honoring and giving praise to God Almighty. Come almighty King. Fill us with your love and mercy. This world is not my home. I am just passing through. Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound. Thank you Jesus for giving us such a wonderful songs to sing to you. We just want to honor and glorify your name at all times. In Your name. Amen