All managers and supervisors must come with at least 2 passports tom,write it name and address on the back side of both photos This
is the message my MD sent to our grp page. Pls join me in prayrs concerning this. Bcos frm my findings n observation d man has bn bewitched by his wife. His behaviors towrds me recentlly. And the fetish wife never liked me for a moment. Alwys against what i do or say. She hs personal n deep hatred for me. Jan this yr when our prayrs was about to start, they threw a big get together at the head office. But b4 then my spirit prompted me nt to eat anything. Which i obeyed. Since then the wife's hatred for me grew stronger again.she is always monitoring me, in and outside the office. So pls join me in prayers concerning this recent dev. Though i just got the info now and yet to bring mine