Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
I guess what we Christians describe as "the world" could also be called society, because differently worldly trends are in society. One thing I as a male get tired of hearing is, first, God created men too, right? "Male and female He created them" But if you listen to "the world" now, men seem to be pushed so far into the background that I wonder if these people realize that God created 2 genders! All I hear is women this, women that. Commercials are geared towards their needs, society has more sympathy towards a woman with a problem than a man, and problems within a relationship are ALWAYS blamed on the man! As a male, I find this offensive, but also unrealistic. Firstly, at the Fall, sin fell on everyone, right? (including women) Society (the world) may exalt one gender above the other, but God is no respecter of persons, right? Request is that people realize that 2 genders exist, and stop glorifying one while totally ignoring the other. Amen.