God with all my heart I ask in Jesus’ name please honor this prayer request that has been posted. God bless exceedingly abundantly above all that they have ever asked, thought, dreamed, or prayed according to Your will.
What ever you may be going through or will go through, declare God’s Word to be true over your life. You will find your faith rising. Why? Faith comes from hearing, hearing the Word of God. God’s promises will start flowing in your life. God’s Word will give You wisdom, knowledge, peace, confidence, joy unspeakable, and strength. God’s Word will bring health to your mind, body, soul, and spirit. God’s Word will cause You to prosper and be in good health. God’s Word will bring salvation to you and your household. God’s Word is Good for your soul…Read It, Confess It, Obey It. Live It!!!
God is in control. Trust HIM.
Be Encouraged & God Bless You,
Encourager Linda Flagg, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister