Beloved of All
Alef (א)Bet (ב)Gimel (ג)Dalet (ד)Heh (ה) Vav (ו)Zayin (ז)Khet (ח)Tet (ת)Yud (י)Kaf (ק) Lamed (ל)Mem (מ)Nun (נ)Samekh (ס)Ayin (ע)Peh (פ)Tzadi(k) (צ)Qof (ק)Resh (ר)Shin (ש)Tav (ת) I ask your permission courts of divinity to present a case in the sight of the Lord through the eyes of The Holy Spirit. All in favor, say eyes of the Holy Spirit. It is my case that because of the Holy Spirit with me and within what comes behind me that there are spiritual death wishes against our bodies, our jobs and our souls. With your permission we give these too you and we ask your divine protection order. We ask your divine judgement and immutable protection order. We ask you mark the murders and separate them from society in the sight of the Holy Spirit at the divine authority of God Almighty.