Beloved of All
Albert, Luis, Rob and Lizzie Break and destroy all ungodly soul ties with former lovers and sexual lovers in the name of Jesus. Loose them from all evil doers and evil soul ties.Release the fire of God to burn out all unclean lust from there life in the name of Jesus.Break the pride of leviathans power(Lev.26:19)Cut off and break the powers of every word released by Jezebel against their life. Loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel(1 kings21:23)Rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft,lust,seduction,intimidation,idolatry,and whoredom connected to Jezebel. Bring the princes to nothing (Isa34:12) Lord, release your warrior angels against the demonic princes(Dan.10:20) Lord, thunder upon the enemy and release your voice;hailstones and coals of fire(Ps.18:13)Bind and rebuke any bewitchment that would keep them from obeying the truth(Gal3:1)Bind and cast out any spirit of sorcery that would deceive them in the name of Jesus(Rev.18:23) Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, living powerful, and sharper then any two two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Father right now bring your word QUICK more light and revelation into their life your will and their ungodly soul ties your desires in there heart and minds. Bring your Holy Spirit conviction in where they need it in there lives clean them up in and out. Remove all there ungodly soul ties completely help them so they can serve you and come back on Fire for Jesus and pleasing to you according to your will with your word i bind all this word to them according to your will the way you want it Lord and I speak all this into exsistence 100 fold all the way into the physical into their lives right now in Jesus Name Amen