Prayer Partner
Wednesday, March 12, was my last day at work. I stayed in my apartment until yesterday, March 22, when I went to the store in the late afternoon. My job gave me something to do and somewhere to go. It also put me around other people which I enjoyed. The money was helpful too. I have been really weak. I have felt really hopeless. I get strength through reading scripture in prayer which I often do. I miss my wife and children deeply, words cannot describe the pain. I plead with God through Christ to make a way for reconciliation. I know he can do all things and there is nothing that he cannot do. I trust him, but the wait has been long. Previously, I had mentioned four thousand dollars had been hacked(?) from my account. I still have not had it returned, but I feel that it will happen eventually. But it has added a lot of stress to me as I really need that money. I was told there were some summer projects coming up so I immediately contacted the talent recruiter and she told me there was nothing. From the past, I know her information is often incomplete, and she does not know things till the last minute. So, I will wait. I did get some good news, the VA will pay for another month of my rent. So, I am thankful for that blessing as it enables me to prepare to move out in mid May. And find another place I do not want to go back to the shelter. Believe it or not, my faith is strong. I get weak and when I get really weak, I come on this thread and request prayers. I’ve been really weak the last week. Today, is the first day of the week and I will remember Jesus’s death by taking of Lord supper sometime today (Acts 20:7). I will spend time working on the psalms and proverbs. My goal this year is to read the psalms each month and the proverbs this month. I’m pretty caught up on both only slightly behind. I will catch up today. I need to go to DoorDash, but I just don’t have the strength right now. Please pray for me. I love prayer; it’s one of my favorite things to do. I miss driving and praying which was amazing to me that I was getting paid basically to pray while I drove. Anyway, thank you so much for reading about my situation and praying for me. God bless