Humble Prayer Partner
Greetings from the 49th State. Thank you for your prayers for my family and me. On the weekends, I leave the shelter and go to the school to rest, do work, meditate and pray. I’m so thankful I have a warm place to go. Today, I got a lot of work done. I’m so thankful for the strength God gave me to get some much needed work done (Phil 4:13). If you have followed my previous requests then this will make sense. I pleaded with God (2-3 hrs a day) for ~ 2 years, “please God, take me back to Alaska…” I did my part, applying for prob 500 jobs all around the country from Maine to Hawaii. I prob applied for 100+ jobs in AK. The ONLY one I got was this school. I teach science and coach basketball. In 2021-2022, my son played soccer in the gym at this school. Now, I have a key to that gym. I “think” that is crazy. Earlier this week, my varsity team went to another gym to play a team. I sat near the very site where my wife and I used to watch our daughter play soccer. I helped my wife into and out of the stands. It was very sobering to sit there imagining my children learn to play soccer. Then later in the week, my team had a guy in the little town where I used to live and preach. It was a very emotional day as I drove over there. The next day, I felt the results of all the emotions. By the way, we won both games. We are 4-1 with 2 more games this week. My team is growing in so many ways. I am proud of them. They make me miss my children. I went to my doctor yesterday. I used him the last time I was here. Thankfully, the VA pays for everything. Also - he signed me up for “Food is Medicine”, so now I get 6 lbs of free veggies and fruit every day. I “feel” like God is doing something. Sometimes, I get really sad. I mean really sad, especially when I first wake up. It’s like my sleep is an escape but as soon as I wake I realize I am in the shelter and my family is not in my life. I have served the Lord most of my life. I can’t imagine God dropped me off here in the cold and the snow to teach school and coach. Surely, there is a congregation out there that is desperately hoping for a faithful proclaimer of God’s word. I look at my life and I can see the impact of Satan. He will attack any Christian but his favorite fettish is those people who are truly trying to live and serve the Lord. He will introduce Job-like difficulties into their lives. I need strength. I’ve had moments recently where I begged the Lord to take me. So far, he has left me here. It was -17 degrees the other day. It will get colder. I need a place to live. The shelter is humbling. The veterans groups says they will help me get a place. They can pay deposits, 1st and last months rent, etc. However, despite that good news, I can’t find a place that meets their requirements. It makes me wonder what God is doing. In 2008, God gave me an incredible 2 BR , 2BA (garden tub) on the golf course… with a garage quickly. I prayed about it and God gave it to me. I did not have a job. So I know God can provide the most perfect place here. I WISH my wife would reconcile then I would instantly have a place. A Soften Heart I pray my wife’s heart will be softened. She needs a Jonah “come to himself” moment. I wish no ill will on her but I hope God is doing things in her life to make her question her unloving, ungodly decisions. I’m sorry to keep asking for prayers. I believe fully in God, Jesus Christ… the power of prayer (James 5:16). I know God sees me (Ps 139) and knows my pain … my intense pain. I know he has heard every one of my prayers. I love my wife (###). I stand prepared to “love her like Christ loved the church” to the best of my ability; to forgive her, to not bring up the past; to not hold a grudge and to be the best husband and father I can be. Thank you for your prayers, thoughts and kind words.