Beloved of All
im strugglign to take car eof my grandma who has been bedridden ors evral years. my ymom has asperger syndorm and i feel ver ylaione in ym situaiton aksign God ot sen dsomeoen in real life who yould maybe help me. i feel so aloen and haivn ga hard itme as i canot get rid of phobia s.i cant seem to be obedient to God itnhis matter (nto to worry baout aynhtign becuase its a real struggle.askign Gid to explain why i have these fears and how make them go away. i have dirt germs speicfically dust and glass cshard fear on ym clothign or feet and body and constantly handwahsign ofer covid. its really hard i change my clothes if i go outside andive been doignthis for year.s if eel hopeles sinym situaiton realy obsessed wiht these htings i knwo it snot he will fo Gdo btu i owuld liek to be free of this emntla illness also i have evr ylow self esteem. no one ever looks a tme wihten they tlak otem for many year is feel sad. i feel aloen and isolat einthe ocutnry i was no rais eor born in. i have no moeny and no friends i also nee dhelaign odabetes soem kid of tu,ro or cancer somehtign eaitng at me diabetes inispidus. my grandma ned healignf orm demntia and need helaign form sever emalnutrtion infeciton defrongi ssmall boel obstruciot snyodrme. i miss havign anormal life to at least osme degree. no one evr visit so r calls no ne evry snbeen year.s the onyl interaciton i seem to ge tisif osmeon yells at me i feel sad aim goignt obe 35. n one evr des anyhitgn for my brithday. i haent seen my da din year she homelss with hear tocndiiton in abnotrocutnry i feel aloen rejected isolated and want to be dleivere dof alc urses and al eivlspirits. pleas epray for me and my grandma stotal healign blood suagr and blood pressur eissues. i feel sad and resenfutl tawrds my mom becuas eh cant see me miotiosn so i cry alot sits hard when no oen ever sees you no ne evr calls oyu no one looks oyu in the yes and no one asks how oyur doign eyear after year after year. this is differnt coutnry not my comfort lnguage (. its ahr dot be obedient to Gdo wheni feel so aloen. the s tests the chanlnage sar every hard. i pray alot spent mos tof my life so alone and jsut it shard not ebign bale to feel seen hear dudnerstodo har dto keep house har dto go throught he mtiosn. wll this ever ge tbetter Lord. will ther ebe soem light. wil msot ofmy lfi ebe in tears an dfear.s will i ever be freeMMM please helpw htoe who yr elike me Lord show out and use them for oyur lroy. help the poor and needs and the oen who has no helper the one who has to alwas giv ehtemselves ad hug adn the one who is never lvoed desired udnerstood. help thos epeoel. pleas eotday infor prais ena dglroy. ehlp those ones Lord mke tem smile too. help those wiht emal illness and flhs eaitgn bacteira dleiver themform the deivl. put and end to their hell and brign lgiht into their darkness... in thenameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. please aso provid eof rme a hsuabdn who isnt mean. Lor dosomeon who can soeak my language someoen who lvoe sme soemoen who care who seem my emotins and hela my mom fo asperger snyodmr ehal my da dhear heal al thos ehwo hasve cassandra syndorme. hela all thos ehwo can tget ahead. hea my help em clena help me pelase oyu.. giv m joy laughter agian. and do the same for lalpeoel guid eus and do all iynour power to save and heal us and to protect us all form accidnet deaht and calmity brign hope ot the hopeless. and heal my of dehydratonissues. help me to tak ecar eof mysle. pelas ehal me and help me to help myese fi how do i fight the figh tthat i fight. Lro dhelp i tis all cloudy and i dotn i need your help your my refuge take me out of the pit. pleas and pleas epovid efor my needs. my need forlvoe my dneed friendship from you Lord. my needs. elp em take car eof my grandm. its hard ... pelas make t easie rand rmoe enjoyable becase irttsliek it lsiek im stuck everyhitng is stuck.. help us get unstuck and hela my mothe rof allillness and giv ehr happy nΓ³modo an dhelaign in her brian teeth gums andmy dad ot hela his heart and emotions and teeth gums boens inections insulin all heartrated illnes hela all onthis site hela thos eiwht cancer diabetes fear sphobia mentla illness schzofreneihelp us to REALly knwo oyu Lord an dgiv eus the abudnan tlife you want us to have. help me to really know . everyhitgn seems liek a stress.... help me Lord. pelase. please dnt allow m to yell at me today its hard i dotn feel comfortbale baroudn herplease take away the evils pirits that make me wanna scream when she near please help.