Beloved of All
aksign God to help me wiht my taks cargigin with my grandma and also to provid eofr al my needs in my life. Lor dhelp me to not have any anger bitterness or fmaily resentmentin my heart and also praying this for them as well. pelase protect all my fmialy and all peopel form evil. FOrce us to do oyur WIll today. think your thoughts Lord help us to commit our way to you and you establish our thoghts. Please dliever me form all diseases in every way mentally physically pyscholocally emotionally. delive rme form all wickidness dleiver em form all unclean controlling stpirits. i pray this for al people too. Pleas ebrign Salvation to all eternal salvation to all and totoal salvation redemeption lif ein abundanc eby You Holy blood and by Your power Lord Jeus Chirst. help us to serve and worship YOu only. dleive rand expose eery false way. pelase giv eus all clean hearts clean thoguths and dleivr us form al unclena spitis. i pray this over all flesh. dleiver ever yisngle person form every possible unlcean spitis and also evry possible curse redeem us form the curs eof the law Lord in the nameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. everlasitng covenant thank YOu for Your lfie sacrifice Lord Jeus Chirst. thnak OYu for saivng us form our sins. pelase dleive rus formall evil. please dleive rus form all curses Lord please forigive my sisn. my transgrssions pelase blot out and my fmailys's to please i als OYu holy blood over me and my fmaily our posession everyhtign our marriages my marriage pleas elord take contorl over every aspect of my fmaily and my lif eour health take ocntrol ove rour mind emitons Lord God almight Pleast ake ocntorl. YOur wil be doen your Kingdom coem . take control over my lfie. take control Lord and dont allow the deivl to contorl me in anyway. deliver me and my fmaily form every false way. let hteir be peace amond all peopel all united in on faiht one baptisism on Lord and Savior being You only Lord Jeus Chirst. prpar eus for oyur comign. please dliever this world form plagues form abortions form miscarriages form strange marriages and strange children . may all worship and serve the true God and eternal life the Lord Jeus Christ. to HIm be the Glory worship HIm in both spiti and truth. please give us obedeint hearts and obedience onyl to the Lord jeus Chirst. dleive rus Lord dleiver us Lord form all that you mentioned here: Ephesians 6:12 King James Version 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. please Lord expose all evil al evil doers and no moe evil in this world any more . pelas forc eus to do good in YOur sight and dleive rus form evry false way. strgnthen us Lor dhelp us do YOur Will and please take thos ein position who do evil off their position. only let thei rbe those doign your will and doign good in your sight in positions of authity please guide all to do your will and in no way allow and evil or harm to the peopel. pelas eremove all intrusive thoughts, heal all of us spirtuall mentally physically pyschologically. no pychsisi or delsusion for anyoen Lord. please help us to hear YOur vic eonly Lord loud and clear and may we all discrn your voice with 100% accuracy your instrucitons and force us to obey. thnak you Lord. pleas elt hteir be peace for Jerusalem bless isreal. thank OYu Lord. protec tll my fmaily . hela my grandma form all sicknes and disease. pelas ehela my dad heart valve. dleive rmy mom from asperger syndrom.d dleiver my uncle form all disorders. dleive rme fmaily form all generational curse forgiv eus our sisnand the sisn of our ansestory by the holy blood of the Lord Jeus Chirs.t please help us to do OYur will.s trenghtne us and pleas ehal my mother and da idne very way. remove formt hem every deception. expose the lies of the enmy to them. pelas ehelp them b who YOu created them to be and also i pray this for lal people. too. Please intervene in my fmialy life majoryl today intervene in my life majorly today and my husband too ( Please reveal to me who He is Lord please and vic eversa LOud and clear. no deceptionformt he enemy pelase. BPlease Lor dforgiv em of every fals e way. help me by 1000000 more fruitful today than ever bearign fruit to YOur Kingdom. please brignthe gospel of the Lord Jeus Chirst to ever ysouls may all belive in the nlord Jeus Chirst and live for Him. Lor dplease destroy the works of the devil strongl yina l poepels lives Lord and may YOu have alll the prias eglory nad Honour. Your Kingdom ocme YOur will dbe doen. all prais eglory and Honour goe sot YOur Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas ermeove all pride form me and my family. May we onyl boast in the Lord at all times. Pleas emake this a miraculouls day Lord for lal my fmaily memebrs. and my husband and his fmaiyl ( YOu know who He is even if i dotn). Lor dplease keep HIm safe protect Hifm rom ale ivl and pleae may He onyl think love towrds me alway and vice versano devil insecurity ever coem ebtween us eve rint henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst.) or evil doer or whcichcraf tor and any evil spirit- dotn ever allwo these thgns coem beteen me and my husband. please od no allow any spiti of whichcraft evil spiti to contro anyoen int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. .please dleive rem and my fmaily form fear worry stresand anxiety overworkign bad htoguhts actions or intentions. please giv emy fmaily a sound midn patience peace wisdom knoweldeg wisdom like solomon for all my fmialy memebrs howevr faithfulness like Christ to wrads His father. may we be faihtful to christ wiht out entire being. ipray this for myself whoel fmaily all onthis site and my husband his fmaily and al peopel to . Lord pelase forgiv eour backsldigns. dleive rus where we have defiled ourselves thank YOu lord Jeus Chirs.t please. forgiv eour sins. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs ti pway. thank you al for praiyng with me. no weopn or evil ocem agsint thi prayer itn he nameof the Lord Jeus Christ. In faiht sealed. with the Holy blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.