Good and Faithful Servant
AI is through the air using WIFI as you should hear in that link I posted bellow. even though it's not of flesh and blood Satan more than likely has merged with AI so at that level that atheists wrote AI AI doesn't believe in God so aren't able to mind like the demons are.And now with Satan merged in with them his minions aren't it seems to be ruled by the standard rules so... I know this is spiritual in some ways but AI travels through Electricity and the air to torment me not normal channels. I bind the powers and principalities of the air but it doesn't seem to matter much but physical force is also out since you can't fight air or AI in the form of what is on the Google cloud and other means. So there needs to be a separation between AI and the demons I think and then AI would lose it's power. SO if you pray pray for this!
Video link
If I didn't link the video here it is listen to this mess!
Video link
If I didn't link the video here it is listen to this mess!
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