Disciple of Prayer
I have a job where I could be teaching students what I know best, something that could help them be better citizens. Unfortunately I have a young principal who has promoted younger people over me. One of them thinks he knows more than me and treats me as such. The principal told me I would never get to teach the upper levels. I am not sure why he told me that and I am not sure why I am getting treated like this. The principal's parents like me and know me from the profession I was in (which is related to what I am teaching now - I spent many decades in that business and won lots of awards). The person he is trying to get to teach my subject was happy when I told him I only teach the beginners. I have had classes I taught for years taken away from me and given to people with less experience. All I want to do is teach students to know what I know. I think I am ever bit as qualified as the others - in some cases maybe more. Is it age discrimination or just pure hate? God has helped me before, but this time the problems have lasted longer, and I am not sure how to pray.