Have you ever
considered what
life on earth would
be like if what
they say about the
Rapture is true?
I would never want to offend you. In fact,
greatly care for you. So that’s why I take the
risk of giving you this thought-provoking
book about what would happen to the world
if what they say about the Rapture is true.
Dr. Jeremiah is a Christian author who I
feel understands Bible prophecy better than
most. He wrote this book, After the Rapture,
to be a wake-up call before the “final call.”
This book is an eye-opening journey into
the future as recorded in the Scripture...
many prophetic events are already unfolding
around us.
So not to offend you, but with motivation to
bring you hope, here is a copy of After the
Rapture. And for more about Bible prophecy,
check-out DavidJeremiah.org/Prophecy.
considered what
life on earth would
be like if what
they say about the
Rapture is true?
I would never want to offend you. In fact,
greatly care for you. So that’s why I take the
risk of giving you this thought-provoking
book about what would happen to the world
if what they say about the Rapture is true.
Dr. Jeremiah is a Christian author who I
feel understands Bible prophecy better than
most. He wrote this book, After the Rapture,
to be a wake-up call before the “final call.”
This book is an eye-opening journey into
the future as recorded in the Scripture...
many prophetic events are already unfolding
around us.
So not to offend you, but with motivation to
bring you hope, here is a copy of After the
Rapture. And for more about Bible prophecy,
check-out DavidJeremiah.org/Prophecy.