Thank you everyone that has prayed for my children Hope and James and myself. The father of my children is a man that almost took my life and walked free from the courts. I was badly beaten because I told him I didn't want anything to do with him and that I didn't love him anymore when he wouldn't stop his abusive ways. He has done so many crimes and has walked free from everyone.
He had my son which was 4 1/2 yrs old at the time participate in the attack and showed my son to kick me as game. My son remembers that day very well and so I do I.
The father is only back for revenge, he has never financially supported us, still no child support.
We are starting to get councelling to help us. We need so many prayers for the children's lawyer to favour us, the judge, the lawyer, and all that are related to the child custody case. I believe the fathers intention is to get weekend visitation then he plans on trying to take them from me permanently. I need this stopped.
I have Faith in God that he will stop this, but when. We are suffering everyday, I can't eat, sleep, focus, I'm so lost, I can't find my way.
My children are so scared that they will have to go to his home by court order. My daughter Hope puts her down when she hears this and covers her ears. My son James, says it will never happen.
The children have always claimed God as their Father when their dad was gone for 5 1/2 years.
They pray everyday for this to stop. Please God, Jesus, stop this please.No more pain and suffering.
This is what the children and I are dealing with here and his girlfriend is involved. Everything below is exactly what has happened, is happening and all has happened.
Most narcissists treat their children badly in a few key ways -- emotional abuse and parental neglect are all typical of narcissistic parents.
Narcissists cannot see their actual children and do not accept their needs.
Hurting your feelings or making you feel low, let your feelings show and tell him or her how they
are making you feel, asking them to stop it. Any normal human being would soften and let up,
but a narcissist will do exactly the opposite. They closely observe how you react every time they
do something to hurt you. And they are like sharks, able to smell a drop of blood a mile away.
Why? Because your hurt feelings are their pain killing drug.He plays mind games with you and your children,denying he's doing so. It's subtle at first but amazingly effective. You, destabilized and questioning your own sanity, are slowly being driven mad.
The secret he hides from everyone is his cruelty and coldness, which eventually transforms from
subtle to overt psychological, verbal, and physical abuse. At home, he erupts with rage whenever
you make the slightest suggestion or request, and he blames you or the children for all of his failures and problems. He's no longer kind but arrogant, and he's never, ever wrong. Our narcissist has no empathy or time for you or the children anymore, preferring instead to live a moody life of self-imposed exile succumbing to addictions such as alcohol, drugs, or affairs.
The wolf only cares about one thing in his relationship with you, and it is winning. He will do everything in his power to destroy you in the process, to extract vengeance upon you and the children for "abandoning" him and asking him to change his abusive ways. But the wolf doesn't care about you or your children, although he portrays himself as the long-suffering husband who throws up his hands and exclaims to others "Look at what I have to deal with."
*(When you turn to the court system for relief, there will be no help forthcoming. A judge will never believe you, the true victim of the wolf's controlling abuse. The wolf is polished, calm, unruffled. A pillar in the community. Although he's lying through his teeth, it's second nature to him, as he's been practicing it for years. You are either fragmented and depressed from the psychological and emotional abuse or enraged that this man is harming you and your children. Either way, you come
across as exactly the crazed, paranoid harpy he has created.
The wolf gets away with all of this because his charisma, magnetism, and deceit sway judges, therapists, custody evaluators, and mediators. Emboldened by his success, he bullies and abuses you even more. And he'll never stop until you have paid dearly Γ’β¬β so dearly Γ’β¬β for leaving and rejecting him. It is important that you report this to the Judge, lawyerΓ’β¬β’s,
custody Evaluators, Mediators, Counselors, so they understand whom they are dealing with.)*
It is tempting for lay people to think that this man is a figment of my imagination, but I assure you he's very real. Malignant narcissists and sociopaths prey upon the kindest and most tender women they can find, for they know these women will never suspect how evil
and devious people can be. Women who fall for these men are good-hearted, slightly dependent and suggestible, and patently unable to see the sociopath until it's too late.
Wolves leave clues that we can pick up on, He always paints himself as the victim of evil-doers, crazy exes. Nothing is ever their fault or responsibility, and if you stay, you will soon find yourself on the receiving end of his "blame game."
It is inconceivable to the average person how easily sociopaths lie, but they are true con men and can lie with impunity. When confronted with a lie, follow the "rule of three," as Dr. Stout advises: One lie is forgivable. Two is circumspect. Three, you leave.
The third clue is the abuse. You know you're dealing with a malignant narcissist Γ’β¬β a true sociopath with no conscience Γ’β¬β
when these behaviors start. He not only lies regularly, but begins to "gaslight" you, a form of psychological abuse . This type of abuse
essentially destabilizes you and causes you to question your own sanity. He may say "I never said that" or "That's not what we agreed to," yet you remember otherwise. Wolves utilize this technique liberally, and let there be no doubt about it: he is consciously, actively, and sadistically tormenting you to drive you insane.
A fourth clue is the inevitable overt abuse: slapping, shoving, hitting...or worse. Despite all of his promises to change, once the wolf starts leaving these clues, you must make plans to leave. The wolf will never get any better, no matter what he, your family, friends, and therapist say.
There is no hope for rehabilitation. Even those who take full and utter responsibility for each and every one of their actions Γ’β¬β which is highly, highly unlikely Γ’β¬β they must prove their mettle over time.
Your best bet, indeed your only bet, is to leave. As a therapist, I am not in the practice of telling people the uncomfortable truths they must find out for themselves over time. In this case, I make a pointed and stern exception: get out.
Do not think gaslighting, compulsive lying, and repeated affairs aren't abuse; they are. If he's acting in this manner, he's capable of so much more.
You are in danger. Beware.
Third, begin writing everything down that the narcissist or sociopath says or does. This paper trail will come in handy when he starts portraying you
as unstable or insane. It is also a method of catching him in his manipulations and lies.
Narcissists are known for stealing, hiding money, frittering it away, or otherwise financially decimating their mates. Find out where the money is hidden ahead of time so that you are not ruined financially.
*(. If you have been abused emotionally and psychologically, you have been tormented beyond belief. Physical bruises and broken bones are visible
to others; the type of secret emotional abuse he's subjected you to is an unending hell. You didn't deserve it, and neither do your children. There is no harsher sentence than for a bright, well-educated woman to lose her sense of self because of a wolf. Equally tragic is the kind-hearted mother who can only watch while her children are being abused and hurt by their father. )*
How dangerous is a narcissistic parent with joint custody?
The risk of abuse - physical, psychological, and even sexual - is considerable.
There are only two things ... another victim and control over his ex. Narcissists play mind games to the fullest extent and they have brain-washed their victim well.
When they think they have completely controlled their victim they will often use "desertion" to upset their ex victim. They WILL find another person and work on them to gain control.
They make a point of usually keeping in contact with the ex victim just enough to unnerve them or not allow them to strengthen themselves.