I hear the input which comes forth in good faith out of legitimate concern for both myself and mankind, therefore please don't think I take it lightly, for it is indeed implemented when necessary, but even then, only if it coincides with the path and instructions which God has set for my assignment. God knows your heart and when spoken in the spirit of love and genuiness, it is not held against you. But, as for me, in acknowledging the prophecies that God has already fulfilled, especially in recent times, and in heeding His voice regarding current prophecy, I am held accountable to speak exactly as He commands. For all His predictions must come to pass that we may be brought to the "end times." As I have written before, misplaced anger and hatred towards me only serves to fulfill Jesus's prophecy regarding how His disciples would be treated, which ushers us into the end times, therefore I am not angry with you, especially my brethren in Christ, just perhaps a bit disappointed. But again, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER . . .
Yet for those who seek to interject their own GPS, based their personal opinion, again I warn, leave it alone. Your part in this matter is to simply:
Yet for those who seek to interject their own GPS, based their personal opinion, again I warn, leave it alone. Your part in this matter is to simply:
As must we all.
As must we all.
God knows what He's doing: Even in bringing me back to the city if Houston, He knows: Jeremiah 30.

Have a God filled day!