Beloved of All
No fast or heavy heartbeat.
No high blood pressure.
No pulsating in my ears.
No diarrhea.
No gastritis.
No nausea.
No acid reflux.
No bitter taste.
No any digestive issues.
Everything healthy in my body, including intestines, stomach, throat.
Normal menstrual cycle.
Regular menstrual cycle.
No hormonal issues.
No PMS or other symptoms.
Period not too early.
Period not before ###, August.
Period not excessive.
Very efficient day.
Preparing for the trip easily effortlessly.
No stress.
Fun on my trip and at the concert and in this other city.
Efficient also in home cleaning, washing, decluttering, organizing.
Peace in my area/neighborhood for my sleep.
Catching up on sleep since I sleep not good lately.
No digestive or hormonal issues so that I can sleep too.
No high blood pressure.
No pulsating in my ears.
No diarrhea.
No gastritis.
No nausea.
No acid reflux.
No bitter taste.
No any digestive issues.
Everything healthy in my body, including intestines, stomach, throat.
Normal menstrual cycle.
Regular menstrual cycle.
No hormonal issues.
No PMS or other symptoms.
Period not too early.
Period not before ###, August.
Period not excessive.
Very efficient day.
Preparing for the trip easily effortlessly.
No stress.
Fun on my trip and at the concert and in this other city.
Efficient also in home cleaning, washing, decluttering, organizing.
Peace in my area/neighborhood for my sleep.
Catching up on sleep since I sleep not good lately.
No digestive or hormonal issues so that I can sleep too.