Faithful Servant
Abba our Father, all sufficient Elohim, consuming fire, creator of the spiritual and natural world, father of glory, father of lights, father of mercies, the excellent one, the judge, the majesty on high, the only wise Elohim, the sovereign one, Adonai Elohim, again, this evening, I beg you to stretch forth your hand and restore full strength to my left thigh and leg. I have prayed several times and tried relieving my pain for several weeks but I'm still awaiting your answer to come to my aid. I have even drank a lot of water but again to no avail. I do not want to be crippled and I'm sure it is definitely not your wish. Please turn your spiritual face at 360 degrees towards me and have divine mercy! In the name of your son Yahshua and of Ruach Ha'Kodesh. Amen!