Beloved of All
I would appreciate prayers for healing. Can you offer prayers for a wounded vet?
I am a vet from the ‘Nam era. Do you here pray for vets? Do you guys remember Nixon and Johnson? Are any of you from that era?
Many of my fellow vets gave their lives and spilled their blood for this country!! We love our flag!!
The reason I’m asking prayer is that I need some deep inner healing from the trauma that the last three and a half years have caused me! These years of seeing my beautiful America TRASHED from within by cheaters, liars, charlatans and frauds, Marxists, Luciferians, and every rabid dog from the pit of hell have been unleashed against America!! This has wreaked havoc on my soul and spirit! I’m hurting really, really bad inside! Yes, it’s trauma and it’s cut me up inside like a razor. We vets take it VERY PERSONALLY when others disrespect our red, white and blue!!!! We consider it as trampling on sacred grounds!!
And I know other patriots who have experienced the same trauma as me! We all look on in HORROR hardly believing our eyes at how much they hate our America and our way of life that so many have SHED THEIR BLOOD FOR!!!! It’s TRAUMATIC seeing our way of life being slowly dismantled from within!! The enemy is now within! The enemy is sitting in the Oval Office, and he calls me “extremist” while he himself has an extreme agenda of hatred and destruction of America! HYPOCRITE!!!!
Have any of you here ever visited the tomb of the unknown soldier? Or Arlington National cemetery? I guess that’s a dumb question. Sorry. Sometimes I get carried away when it comes to patriotic things.
For all these years it has caused me deep inner grief and trauma since the genuine President was cheated out of power by thieves and CRIMINALS and the puppet was installed and I’ve watched that America hater in the Oval Office take a WRECKING BALL to all that’s good about America!! He’s taken a wrecking ball to our values, our history, our morals, our founding principals, and our Godly way of life!! He’s spit on the graves of my brothers at Arlington! He’s counted their spilled blood as a worthless thing!!! He’s basically spit in the faces of our founding fathers and 1776!!!! How can anybody be that evil????? How can such wickedness be??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?? God help me!!! God I can’t take it!!!!
Ever since he was selected and installed, (him and the cackling hyena) I have daily had to fight feelings of utter DISGUST!! I hate living with disgust everyday. It’s sickening. Yes, it’s a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach!! But it’s what I’ve had to deal with and it’s left me feeling sick inside!! But I’m a soldier and it’s obvious he’s started a war, and if it’s war he wants, then war he will get!! I’m trained to respond!!
I pray I can feel happy and free again! These feelings of disgust have devastated this old vet!!
Every day NON STOP he / they (the mainstream propaganda media) pour out lie after lie after lie! It’s as if it’s pathological! He can’t open his mouth without lying! It’s as if it has become impossible for him to speak a single word of truth! He seems to think we are all stupid enough to believe the lies!! And it’s obvious they hate us patriots without a cause!!! All we’ve ever wanted was life and liberty and happiness for us and our loved ones! All we’ve ever wanted was the freedom to pursue our life, happiness and dreams as guaranteed by the Constitution and by our founding fathers. We’ve only wanted to live our lives in peace and be left alone. Is that asking too much?? Why is that such a big problem to the Marxists now running the government??
They lie continuously! Lies exude from their every pore! They lie without batting an eye! They eat, drink, and breathe lies! They lie while looking you straight in the face!! I hate all liars! And I think God does too!! But this old soldier has been around a LONG TIME!! It’s very hard to get a lie past me!! Yet it’s a continual onslaught! An onslaught of lies and propaganda! I literally want to scream STOP LYING TO ME!!!! I’m not stupid!!! ENOUGH!!!!!!!
These people are sick!! Are they even human???
I can truly say these last three and a half years have wounded me way more than the war!! I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to be happy again. My feelings about America will never change!! But my feelings about life being good and worth living have been wrecked by that disgusting, mumbling, bumbling lying puppet in the White House and all of his deep state cronies who support his destruction of my America.
I’d even say I’ve become cynical. And I HATE being that way! I want to feel optimism again!! I want to feel happy and free about life again!! But I’ve fallen. I’ve fallen so hard and don’t know if I can ever get up again.
So if you guys can pray for an old vet such as myself, I sure would appreciate it!!!
Please pray for me and others like me to be healed from the inner trauma of seeing our very way of life that we fought for destroyed!!!!!
Please. I don’t know if there is any hope for me, except by prayers. So I thought I’d come here and ask.
I am a vet from the ‘Nam era. Do you here pray for vets? Do you guys remember Nixon and Johnson? Are any of you from that era?
Many of my fellow vets gave their lives and spilled their blood for this country!! We love our flag!!
The reason I’m asking prayer is that I need some deep inner healing from the trauma that the last three and a half years have caused me! These years of seeing my beautiful America TRASHED from within by cheaters, liars, charlatans and frauds, Marxists, Luciferians, and every rabid dog from the pit of hell have been unleashed against America!! This has wreaked havoc on my soul and spirit! I’m hurting really, really bad inside! Yes, it’s trauma and it’s cut me up inside like a razor. We vets take it VERY PERSONALLY when others disrespect our red, white and blue!!!! We consider it as trampling on sacred grounds!!
And I know other patriots who have experienced the same trauma as me! We all look on in HORROR hardly believing our eyes at how much they hate our America and our way of life that so many have SHED THEIR BLOOD FOR!!!! It’s TRAUMATIC seeing our way of life being slowly dismantled from within!! The enemy is now within! The enemy is sitting in the Oval Office, and he calls me “extremist” while he himself has an extreme agenda of hatred and destruction of America! HYPOCRITE!!!!
Have any of you here ever visited the tomb of the unknown soldier? Or Arlington National cemetery? I guess that’s a dumb question. Sorry. Sometimes I get carried away when it comes to patriotic things.
For all these years it has caused me deep inner grief and trauma since the genuine President was cheated out of power by thieves and CRIMINALS and the puppet was installed and I’ve watched that America hater in the Oval Office take a WRECKING BALL to all that’s good about America!! He’s taken a wrecking ball to our values, our history, our morals, our founding principals, and our Godly way of life!! He’s spit on the graves of my brothers at Arlington! He’s counted their spilled blood as a worthless thing!!! He’s basically spit in the faces of our founding fathers and 1776!!!! How can anybody be that evil????? How can such wickedness be??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?? God help me!!! God I can’t take it!!!!
Ever since he was selected and installed, (him and the cackling hyena) I have daily had to fight feelings of utter DISGUST!! I hate living with disgust everyday. It’s sickening. Yes, it’s a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach!! But it’s what I’ve had to deal with and it’s left me feeling sick inside!! But I’m a soldier and it’s obvious he’s started a war, and if it’s war he wants, then war he will get!! I’m trained to respond!!
I pray I can feel happy and free again! These feelings of disgust have devastated this old vet!!
Every day NON STOP he / they (the mainstream propaganda media) pour out lie after lie after lie! It’s as if it’s pathological! He can’t open his mouth without lying! It’s as if it has become impossible for him to speak a single word of truth! He seems to think we are all stupid enough to believe the lies!! And it’s obvious they hate us patriots without a cause!!! All we’ve ever wanted was life and liberty and happiness for us and our loved ones! All we’ve ever wanted was the freedom to pursue our life, happiness and dreams as guaranteed by the Constitution and by our founding fathers. We’ve only wanted to live our lives in peace and be left alone. Is that asking too much?? Why is that such a big problem to the Marxists now running the government??
They lie continuously! Lies exude from their every pore! They lie without batting an eye! They eat, drink, and breathe lies! They lie while looking you straight in the face!! I hate all liars! And I think God does too!! But this old soldier has been around a LONG TIME!! It’s very hard to get a lie past me!! Yet it’s a continual onslaught! An onslaught of lies and propaganda! I literally want to scream STOP LYING TO ME!!!! I’m not stupid!!! ENOUGH!!!!!!!
These people are sick!! Are they even human???
I can truly say these last three and a half years have wounded me way more than the war!! I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to be happy again. My feelings about America will never change!! But my feelings about life being good and worth living have been wrecked by that disgusting, mumbling, bumbling lying puppet in the White House and all of his deep state cronies who support his destruction of my America.
I’d even say I’ve become cynical. And I HATE being that way! I want to feel optimism again!! I want to feel happy and free about life again!! But I’ve fallen. I’ve fallen so hard and don’t know if I can ever get up again.
So if you guys can pray for an old vet such as myself, I sure would appreciate it!!!
Please pray for me and others like me to be healed from the inner trauma of seeing our very way of life that we fought for destroyed!!!!!
Please. I don’t know if there is any hope for me, except by prayers. So I thought I’d come here and ask.