Jesus is shining and leading our path towards heaven. Towering light of heaven, lead us all to Your holy presence just as Jacob saw the ladder that ended up in glory. Jesus, seated and the right hand of God. Angels ascending and descending, all of them glorifying the Lord and praising His holy name. With relentless love and desire, we want to see Jesus face to face and have Him in our life for eternity.
Out of Your love for everyone of us.
From our hearts desire.
Want to see Jesus as He is.
High King of heaven.
My victory won.
My I reach heavens joys.
O bright heavens sun.
Heart of my own heart,
Whatever befall...
Be still my vision.
O ruler of all.
Then, Jesus was transfigured before them, His face shining as the sun, and His garment became as white as light. Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke to Him.
Matt. 17.2
Out of Your love for everyone of us.
From our hearts desire.
Want to see Jesus as He is.
High King of heaven.
My victory won.
My I reach heavens joys.
O bright heavens sun.
Heart of my own heart,
Whatever befall...
Be still my vision.
O ruler of all.
Then, Jesus was transfigured before them, His face shining as the sun, and His garment became as white as light. Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke to Him.
Matt. 17.2