"A Wholesome Tongue Can Change Everything"

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).

We’ve all heard the phrase “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

Words are powerful. We’ve all, no doubt, been wounded at some point by careless, unkind words. Their effect on our lives, even years later, is undeniable. No matter how much we deny it, it still makes us cringe to think on it. The impact our words cannot be overstated. One small comment or remark can make the difference between building a relationship up or tearing it down. We have the power to either encourage or destroy others with our speech.

People die because of something said. Tongues can be weapons of destruction. Tongues can also be the death of marriages, families, friendships, careers, hopes and reputations.

But people also live and are blessed because of something said. The tongue can be “a tree of life” (Proverbs 15:4). Tongues reconcile people thus making peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9). Tongues can make marriages sweet, families strong, and friendships healthy. Tongues can give hope and lift up a despairing soul, grant understanding, and spread the gospel.

So what will come out of your mouth today, death or life, blessing or cursing?

It will all depend on what’s filling your heart. Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). A critical heart produces a critical tongue. A self-righteous heart produces a judgmental tongue. A bitter heart produces an sharp and sarcastic tongue. An ungrateful heart produces a grumbling tongue.

“The words you speak will all depend on what’s filling your heart." But a loving heart produces a gracious tongue. A faithful heart produces a truthful tongue. A peaceful heart produces a reconciling tongue. A trusting heart produces an encouraging tongue.

So fill your heart with grace by meditating on Gods Word. We all need to take heed to this prayer. “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!” (Psalm 141:3).

Today, make your mouth “a fountain of life” (Proverbs 10:11). Be “slow to speak” (James 1:19). Encourage more than being critical. Seek opportunities to speak kind words (Ephesians 4:32). Speak affirming words to a loved one at an unexpected time. Seek to only speak words that are “good for building up,” that “give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29). Be a person who makes a difference in this world, whose mouth is full of life. Turn the negativity to positivity and watch what happens around you.

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated, I pray God will cinch this message in all our hearts. It can make all the difference in our lives and the lives of others. God bless you all.
Father speak to me and through me everyday. Help me to encourage others and bless them with your words of love, peace, and joy. Guide my heart, mind, and tongue in believing your miracles and blessings in and for my life. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Amen. I pray Psalm 141:3 over myself. God showed me when I decided to stand that I must zip my lips; simply pray and allow Him to do a work in my spouse, something that was very difficult for me at first because I was angry and had unforgiveness. I was a tongue-lasher! I'm sure I didn't appear to be saved at all & wasn't winning very many souls for Christ with my actions/making salvation look very appealing at the time... Once God allowed me to forgive and released me from my anger, it became easier; I realized who the true enemy was (the deceiver;satan) and it wasn't those people I was angry at-- they were the deceived. How could I judge when I had been deceived also, but yet The Father forgave me? Beside, I can only be accountable for my response, no matter how justified I may feel in my anger. So, by not allowing others to cause us to sin/block our blessings, We are being an example of God's UNCONDITIONAL LOVE toward us. I prayed God would put my mouth under subjection and my thoughts under His captivity and He has... He is. It's amazing the difference-- to God be the glory. When I find myself being judgemental/critical/self-righteous, I am reminded: God is my righteousness, I pray to remember that constantly and keep a connection to God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
Amen. It is so true. My mother told me a story about how our words were like trying to carry a basket of feathers around with you all day in a wind storm and that no matter how hard you ever tried you could never gather them all back again. I don't know why but that always stuck with me. And oh how I wish I could take back or gather some of the things I have said. I understand from the Word of God that every thing we have all said will some day be shouted from the rooftops. If that doesn't cause a person to cringe nothing ever will. LOL Don just reminded me of the little prayer I always use to pray. "Lord please make my words today tender and sweet because tomorrow I may have to eat them." LOL. Lord please help us all.
Excellent topic Don. I am struggling in this area, like I mention to you previously; Lord willing going into the nursing field and need to be more professional in my speech. My last two relationships ended because of my careless tongue and now that I recommitted my life to Christ our Lord and redeemer can't say I am that careless but nevertheless, I needed to hear this message. I must let the pruning hand of our Lord do away from those branches that only get me in trouble and ruin my testimony for Him. So Don and the rest of the brethren do keep me in prayer in this area in my life so I can do what I must do to bring honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you my brother, I always appreciate and hold in high regards the devotionals that the Lord stirs in your heart to write. Can't wait for the other one and always in my prayers you and your family.

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