Disciple of Prayer
A while back I was so focused on who I would end up marrying and would always ask myself " maybe it's this person or that person" to the point where I began to obsess over it. So I prayed to God and told him to take those thoughts away and to show me who I would end up marrying so that I wouldn't obsess over it anymore. And this is where I need prayer because I'm not sure if God has already shown me who they are ( because I have someone in mind) or if it's just me thinking, that particular person is the person God wants for me. Because I don't like that person and am not attracted to them at all. And honestly when I start to think that I might have to marry them in the future I get upset because I don't want to. They aren't bad ,they are Christian but I just don't find them attractive. I have stopped obsessing over guys but now I avoid them at all costs because I wouldn't want to be forced to marry a guy who I don't find good enough for me. Maybe I'm writing in many ways . I want clarity, wisdom and ,understanding in this situation because right now its something that bothers me every day. I have no peace and am losing my love for God