We hear of God sending "wake up calls " to turn the people to Him. Even in Revelation, we see plenty of persecuted people come to God."And I saw a great crowd, which no man could number, out of every tribe and tomgue and nation.And I asked, who are they?"And He answered,"these are they which came out of the great tribulation". The 2 witnesses, and the 144,000 get many saved.However, many do not get saved,{"And the rest of these, who did not get killed by these plagues, did not repent of their murders or their thefts or their sorceries or their worship of idols who can neither see nor hear nor speak,And they did not give glory to the God of Heaven who has authority over these plagues." Did not give glory to the God of Heaven who has authority over these plagues.Well! Now we see people terrified of this virus, wearing masks, shying away from others. To "protect them" from the virus? But seeing as , based on their words and actions, they're still unsaved, what haven't they done? Turn to God for protection, or forske their sins when doing so!"And the rest of these who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of their....nor did they give glory to the God of heaven who has authority over these plagues. Who has authority over these plagues? the masks? No, God.Get the right cure and stop looking in the wrong direction for it. There's a reason it's here, listen to the alarm clock, and respond to the wakeup call the right way. You can wear the mask all you want , and still go to hell.A sinner can wear the mask, but then die of a heart attack, unrelated to coronavirus. Wake up!!Wearing masks and social distancing won't keep you from eternal damnation after death.Turning to God will. "Fear not those who can destroy the body but after this can do no more, but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna."
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