Prayer Warrior
I am going through a journey of self love, learning my worth lies in God and in myself... but oh my dear God please- I feel so unloved. so unloved by everyone around me, and I know you are allowing this to strengthen me, allowing this to open wounds in me that need to be healed and toughened- but please God I am so lonely, I am so unloved. please oh please show me love that IS for my HIGHEST GOOD- and not love that hurts me.. hurts my heart and makes it feel like it is burning and aching, I do not want to feel everyone else's emotions anymore- please God feel my grief and guide me to calm waters again, reward me, allow something that makes me feel like I am ok and loved and protected and treasured just as I am... please God I am learning to love myself but show that there is someone in my corner- I will be faithful through this hopelessness and evil eye attacks towards my love and joy, I will remember all the blessings you bring and all blessings that happen and be in gratitude. forgive me Lord for my own evil thoughts and ill will towards anyone, please forgive me and clean me,- Jesus died out of love for me, that is the only love keeping me ok today. please God show me support I believe it can be in my life, I believe that I can have that in my life, I have faith that you can allow anything in my life, please my God guide my heart, guide me to be prepared for that, help me to prepare for love.