Prayer Partner
I have been with my Niece and Grandniece the last month, helping with the care of the latter as she just turned 5 months and is still being treated with inpatient blood transfusions at the local Children's hospital due to her Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia. As of this morning, my Niece broke down in tears because she and her husband can't afford to pay the rent and other bills because they have missed so much work due to their daughter's constant care with this life threatening sickness. So, I ask my dear brothers and sisters in Christ to help pray and petition my prayer for my Niece, Caitlin, and her finanical difficulties and for the continued prayers for my infant Grandniece, Calaya, for her health.
Lord Jesus, I pray and petition to you on this day, and to God our Father in heaven, to forgive me of all my sins–known and unknown, by the act and power of your shed blood on the cross for me. O' Lord, with all my love and adoration to you, and the our Father, I pray for the special needs and financial blessings for Caitlin. O' Lord, I pray you give her help in every matter, and in every direction and guidance, concerning her finanical burdens, and to free her from this bondage, and the worries and stress that come with tit. Wipe away her tears of worry, stress, and all anxieties. I pray, O' Lord that you continue to bless her with strength, patience, wisdom, and even joy and comfort and healing in this terrible time. And I still pray, O' Lord, without ceasing, for her dear child, Calaya, and that you contiue to bless her with complete healing and restoration. Continue to be there for both mother and daughter. And I give thanks, O' Lord, to you and to God, for anwersing our prayers and being an eternal blessing of hope, love, joy, and encouragement. All praise be unto God and to His Christ. Jesus is Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray and petition these things. Amen & amen!
Lord Jesus, I pray and petition to you on this day, and to God our Father in heaven, to forgive me of all my sins–known and unknown, by the act and power of your shed blood on the cross for me. O' Lord, with all my love and adoration to you, and the our Father, I pray for the special needs and financial blessings for Caitlin. O' Lord, I pray you give her help in every matter, and in every direction and guidance, concerning her finanical burdens, and to free her from this bondage, and the worries and stress that come with tit. Wipe away her tears of worry, stress, and all anxieties. I pray, O' Lord that you continue to bless her with strength, patience, wisdom, and even joy and comfort and healing in this terrible time. And I still pray, O' Lord, without ceasing, for her dear child, Calaya, and that you contiue to bless her with complete healing and restoration. Continue to be there for both mother and daughter. And I give thanks, O' Lord, to you and to God, for anwersing our prayers and being an eternal blessing of hope, love, joy, and encouragement. All praise be unto God and to His Christ. Jesus is Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray and petition these things. Amen & amen!