I have led soo many people to The Lord in my whole lifetime & everytime it was always under different circumstances
A person has expressed a desire to pray with me to accept Christ into his heart tonight
I am asking for your prayers that if he is truly sincere about this that I am given just the words to say to him
& lead him in the sinner's prayer so he can make a commitment to Jesus this evening as tomorrow is promised to no one
If not then at least i tried my very best & gave him every benefit of the doubt as he had requested of me to
We know that Today is The Day of Salvation & time is of the essence for us all here on earth
Eternity is a very long time & God does not want anyone to be lost forever
Please pray as The Holy Spirit leads you to for me & thank-you soo much to everyone
All i can do is offer to lead someone to Jesus in a prayer & then God will do the rest in their life
A person has expressed a desire to pray with me to accept Christ into his heart tonight
I am asking for your prayers that if he is truly sincere about this that I am given just the words to say to him
& lead him in the sinner's prayer so he can make a commitment to Jesus this evening as tomorrow is promised to no one
If not then at least i tried my very best & gave him every benefit of the doubt as he had requested of me to
We know that Today is The Day of Salvation & time is of the essence for us all here on earth
Eternity is a very long time & God does not want anyone to be lost forever
Please pray as The Holy Spirit leads you to for me & thank-you soo much to everyone
All i can do is offer to lead someone to Jesus in a prayer & then God will do the rest in their life