Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
A nother point where Christians don't all agree based on the different verses is whether aChristian can lose their salvation because of free choice or is it "cemented"by God even if they turn against God.Most Christians believe in eternal security BUT we read verses in the Bible like "For Demos has left me having loved this present system ofvthings"Also...It would have been better for them if they had not known the Lord then to have known and GONE BACK TOtheir sins.tThe true saying has come to pass the dog has returned to his vomit and the sow to rolling in the mire.Returned to you can't return unless you were somewhere else first Also if whole Churches have become apostate why not some individuals."You have left your first love"You can't leave something unless you were there first.Makes it sound like someone can leave their salvation under the free will.But some Christians say no way.To straighten this puzzle out. ..