Servant of All
I've always been one to have strange dreams. But this one was a little different. I have to talk about it. I dreamed that my ex-wife and I was out of town on some type of trip. We were in a van with my sister and her husband. She said she had to go to church and her ride was on the way to pick her up outside the restaurant we were at. Well she left something in the car. When she walked back to the car she nodded at a vehicle that was already parked outside. It was the guy she first cheated on me with years ago. I got upset I try to restrain her and stop her from going. Eventually I let her go. Well the guy came up and placed a gun to my head. Normally In dreams like this I try to wake up, but not this time. I knew it was a dream and I wasn't afraid. I told him to do what you have to do. I closed my eyes and accepted whatever was about to happen. Suddenly I woke up. Well to fast forward and come back to real life. It seems my ex-wife in this guy are seeing each other again. When I first found out it upset me. Because I think to myself, she doesn't want to give our marriage a second chance but yet you will give someone that ruined it another try. But I'm not really mad I'm dissapointed. The main reason is this has happened 5 years straight around this time period. We would be in talks to move back in together and someone would come along and change her mind. The thing is I expected this from her. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this. And that dream felt like more of a message. But what is the message. I've had dreams in regards to guns before but never this intimate or intense.