APTTMH with Christ I can do all things, without Him I can do nothing.
Tribe of Dan is the Celtic peoples - Irleand home of my dad. Country sligo where there is a monument to my great great grandfather Jospeph Corcoran who fought back against British invaders and defended the people and the land like a true solider of God. I was also a type of Joseph and when I dropped my mask many tried to kill me with spiritual warfare. As a disicple of Yahushua HaMosiach aka Jesus I am able to cast out demons, heal the sick and talk in holy tongues. I have many angels. Dan were the first tribe to go into idolatory and so recieved a double portion of punishment. All of us 13, not 12, tribes of Hebrew Israelites - the Creator's First Chosen People not His Only Chosen as some wicked fellow Hebrews are trying to make out and as you all know. We were whitewashed like Miriam maybe when she disrespected Moses ethiopian wife and was made leperous as white as snow and had to suffer outside the gate. I do not care anymore my husband our SAviour Yahushua says whatever colour I have a beautiful black rubber nephesh soul that bounces back. I am pale beautiful and somewhat mysterious like grandmother moon to use the term Red Elk the shamanic Christian uses and who was given the updated prophecy I would now come as a true pale sister.
Tribe of Dan is the Celtic peoples - Irleand home of my dad. Country sligo where there is a monument to my great great grandfather Jospeph Corcoran who fought back against British invaders and defended the people and the land like a true solider of God. I was also a type of Joseph and when I dropped my mask many tried to kill me with spiritual warfare. As a disicple of Yahushua HaMosiach aka Jesus I am able to cast out demons, heal the sick and talk in holy tongues. I have many angels. Dan were the first tribe to go into idolatory and so recieved a double portion of punishment. All of us 13, not 12, tribes of Hebrew Israelites - the Creator's First Chosen People not His Only Chosen as some wicked fellow Hebrews are trying to make out and as you all know. We were whitewashed like Miriam maybe when she disrespected Moses ethiopian wife and was made leperous as white as snow and had to suffer outside the gate. I do not care anymore my husband our SAviour Yahushua says whatever colour I have a beautiful black rubber nephesh soul that bounces back. I am pale beautiful and somewhat mysterious like grandmother moon to use the term Red Elk the shamanic Christian uses and who was given the updated prophecy I would now come as a true pale sister.