Disciple of Prayer
Prayer for my life partner. Dear Lord, how the person I've been talking to and I love you and adore you, Lord we do not pray for much just to know if you are blessing our friendship leading to marriage. Lord we both adore you so much and praise you each day. He puts all his trust on you, and father, he has made me feel special in so many ways. Please Lord unite us two to be one, we will always love and adore you unconditionally. Be our guide, our teacher, our friend and our mentor. You know how much we both put our full trust in you and wish only good for everyone. Please bring us oser and strengthen our bond by each passing minute and as you guide us in our friendship may you teach the both of us how to love and value each moment that we spend either talking or thinking about one another. Lord we both live for you and only you and your love and light and grace. I'm sorry on his behalf and may he be more and more interested in you by each passing second. Please, my fellow beloved believers of God and Christ and his Holy love, pray for me and the person that I dearly love and hope is the one God had in store for me, at the moment we are only good loving and caring friends but with your prayers and God's blessings I hope to be in a very loving relationship with him. It's with full believe that I will soon come and testify about the wonder and miracles of God. May God bless each one of you with abundant amount of love and may you all have and fine peace. Amen.