A Happy New Year to all my fellow worshippers, I pray that 2020 be a year of personal growth and upliftment, good health and strength, productivity, peace, love and joy, and also most importantly, continued faith in our Lord for without him, these things wouldn't be possible. However, unfortunately it is not such a happy new year for me. Already into the second day of the year, and my parents are fighting again, this time it's worse, I don't know what to do. It hurts so much I can't even cry anymore, even if I tried, because the urge to cry isn't even there, I just get this terrible headache that feels like throbbing/pounding. I'm heartbroken that the year had to start out like this for us, I mean the first day was okay, nothing bad happened, but all of a sudden this afternoon things went downhill. Please my fellow worshippers, help me pray for my family, to restore the peace, to let love and understanding prevail. I feel so helpless and depressed. also school is reopening next week, and I don't know how I'll deal with this if the situation keeps getting worse, I feel something bad is going to happen or someone is going to get hurt, dear Lord please help! I pray that you rid my home of all the evil that lurks and is attempting to permeate and separate us, dear God hear my cry and resolve the problems that are infiltrating my home, please cover us with your blood and protect us as a unit and not separately. Let us not be divided but joined together as a family that can love and appreciate each others' flaws and forgive each others' misjudgments and misunderstandings. I pray these prayers in Jesus' righteous name, Amen.