You I look back on people I've know through my life, I see that there are those who we have no problem noticing are "sinners.", because they're into "obvious" sinful things, like fornication,adultery, maybe robbery, etc.But we also know that this type can and have become saved.{"For such were some of you."}And they get saved because eventually God shows them things, and they're at the point where they accept it!!But then, the other type of sinner is the self-righteous, Pharisee like sinner, who is smug in their own SELF righteousness, and has a sense of smug superiority over those they think are "not on their "righteous" level{In other words , they're judgemental} They also have a "ratings sheet" of who{in their viewpoint} are the "good " ones and the" bad ones."{They have a "works " salvation plan.}And they 'll play judge and jury and downgrade those not on their "high level."{according to them.}{But didn't the Bible say,"All our good works are as filthy rags before God".And didn't the Bible say,"We are saved by grace, not by works, so no flesh should boast"}What prompted me to post this, is, something reminded me of these different people,and I noticed the ones into sin, and then the ones who thought they were "better", and would downgrade those not in their "clique". And it came to me--the ones with their "regular' sins would usually likely get saved before the stubborn self-righteous ones!! Because the stubborn ones think they have no need for salvation, so wouldn't come before God. The other sinners might sooner humble themselves. {Like look at how few, if any , Pharisees got saved compared to "other types" of sinners.}A point?