Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree declare into existence I speak
into existence for Angels
to be released to war and win easily any spirit secret agents of Satan in the heavens assigned to block my prayers my kids family that is a good thing innocents from being answered Dan 1012-13 X3
hit passage as hard as needed I release the Arrow 

of the LORD'S
deliverance in my life
my kids family that is a good thing innocents hit passage
X3 as hard as needed 2 Kings 13 17 don't touch the pets either animals or anyone's air Domain GLORY to GLORY domain GPS dimensions no listen
secretly get extreme anxiety hooks back
in you I release I release YOUR SHARP
arrows bow 

into the HEART 

of the KINGS

Psalm 45:5 Ordain and release YOUR arrows 

against my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents persecutors
X3 passage Psalm 7 13 Send out Your arrows
and scatter the enemy Psalm 18 14 hit 

passage X3 Make my life
my kids DNA
family that is a good thing DNA

innocent s Psalm enemies turn their 

bBACKS with YOUR arrows
upon YOUR strings X3 Psalm 21:12 Shoot out YOUR arrows 

X3 and destroy them Psalm 144:6
passage as hard needed don't get
back up in anyone's Dimensions Domain GLORY to GLORY in anyone's air blessings dream come true air JOY of the LORD stay away
no sparkle 

Send YOUR arrows
abroad passage HIT 

passage X3 Psalm 77:17 you are way to wicked
ROCKS Send out arrows

X3 hit
passage and destroy THEM do not keep anyone's AIR memory to breathe in Psalm 144:6
SEND out arrows


X3 bow 


into the KINGDOM of Darkness Hab 3 11 hit
passage NOW byeeeeeee Narrator byeeeeeee#LUIS. TORRES and weird family cohorts No peace of Anyone's to keep NO ones JOY of the LORD
HEAP mischief upon them, and spend YOUR arrows 


passage X3 Deut 32 23 Shoot YOUR arrows 

X3 upon THEM and let them be wounded suddenly Psalm 64:7 hit
passage as hard needed NOW they are not able to rise get
back UP they have to take there evil
powers back
Let YOUR arrow 


against the ENEMY Zechariah 9:14 hit
passage as hard as needed out of everyone's breathe air mine everyone no speaking
through any of us or stealing our movements BREAK their bones pierce them through with YOUR arrows 

X3 Number 24:8 hit
passage as hard as needed choke in my air my chakra kids air chakra family that is a good thing chakra innocent
air chakra when u try to stay GREAT pain for them no one can breathe near them they have extreme tormenting anxiety with no memory FOREVER
evil corndogssssszzzzzz Shoot at YOUR enemies with YOUR arrows 

X3 Hit
passage Psalm 64:7 SET 


X3 upon Mark Day Bill all secret agents of Satan for YOUR enemies for YOUR ARROWS bow 

X3 Lam 3 12 passage hit
no one stays that's weird thief like Mark no sex for Mark ever again no movements of anyone's no career air for Mark or weird brother BILL and weird cohorts no ones air to keep period permanently Dominion energy DNA signatures period permanently Egypt Mark
and Bill Day and followers of his and corndogssssszzzzzz Make YOUR arrows

X3 and release YOUR VENGEANCE upon my my kids family that is a good thing innocents hit
passage Jer 51 11 don't let anyone keep my hard working prayers or my kids family that is a good thing innocents let them choke out on them no FAVOR of anyone's no AIR no GLORY to GLORY no domain NO GPS NO dominion of anyone's no happiness time of anyone's no pretending to be Myles Hass Enrique or anyone coming towards me let them die inside
for lies let there weird tormenting demons choke out spirit of LIES spirit Of fantasy KORA weird spirit spouses they use weird
lizards weird foxes no fruit 

of anyone's weird Familiar spirits weird monitoring spirits weird poverty blocking spirits weird witchcraft tormenting demons weird entities let keep getting hit
by arrows until I'm free
my breathe my kids Myles Hass Enrique anyone else needed getting attacked by these weirdos family that is a good thing innocents FOREVER
let passage hit
John 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ 10
DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ then let passage HIT
X3 I will whet my glittering sword 

X3 and RENDER Vengeance against the enemy Deut 32 41 hit
the passage until the sword cuts off 

there heads of there weird PYTHONS weird serpents they use until there tormenting weird DARK BLACK 
they use is destroyed they cannot hide sew us up with there weird crap Keep sending arrows towards them X3 until they have no ones air to breathe and I'm my kids family that is a good thing innocents are no ones business Iam my kids family that is a good thing innocents redeemed from there weird cursing curses Gal 3 13 hit
passage you are Egypt Byeeeee I break 
heart curses all curses by agents of Satan spoken against my life
my kids family that is a good thing innocents in the
name of Jesus Psalm 10 7 X3 hit
passage keep wear your evil
powers prayers tormenting people your evil
hates u now Psalm 79 12 X3 hit
passage every minute moment day hour year until my breathe is memory FOREVER
my kids family that is a good thing innocents 

husbands God tried to give me and my daughter let them fall into there traps fast 

X3 Hebrews 4 12 Quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword 
X3 piercing even into the deepest of marrow bones NOW byeeeeeee Narrator you have lost the war in heaven devil's FOREVER
have no ones JOY of the LORD movements loose your nails like did us everything u did that's evil
keep it you are GODS enemies Jo Calzado possibly Tina definitely Kayleena Freeman Ferguson Anthony Ferguson teeth Albert Rick Maria Vanessa Magda Kayleena Salcedo all weird Salcedo's and very weird followers Luis Torres Stacy Torres Sandra Torres Joel Magdeleno Maria Magdeleno weird family Larry Brand Deanna Brand Sara James Jake David Trimble and 50 coven Richard Sharon Boyd Kelly Leyba Teresa Hydrogo Kelly Leyba Kelly Couldron Shylo Couldron Tori Couldron Gwen Braden Joshua Nixon his weird mother and cohorts Rebecca Ferguson Shaleen Freeman Ferguson Wolfinger Jessica religious weirdo Bree weird followers Kyle weird followers Myers Albert Paula his wife the ring and there cohorts anyone else that's extremely evil people have no ones prayers to keep choke inhale my prayers sword 
of the Lord it doesn't miss arrows fly not cheap they don't miss they kill GODS enemies period permanently Egypt Byeeeee hit
passage X3 Joshua 6 5 JERICHO is your name
Deut 28 13 TAILED Tail is your name corner Psalm 5:12 Favor shield
is up not for evil corndogssssszzzzzz Luke 2:52 Shield of FAVOR is up you are not FAVORED in any area with absolutely no GRACE not great. In anything you do corndogssssszzzzzz Narrator leading them exposed now and followers swallowed WHOLE FOREVER
I get a home
Mexican husband that's a good thing my daughter gets a hearts desire in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen X3 on Earth as it is in heaven NOW Matthew 16 19 hit
passage you have no keys of anyone's to keep FOREVER
Shame is your name
now according to YAHWEH will all the way from the spiritual into the physical now Die inside keep that you are 3 prayers now back to sender don't need your address with the BLOOD of Jesus