Humble Prayer Warrior
Into existence BOAZ comes immediately in the PHYSICAL to pay the bills off that really aren't that much. I get yummy smells immediately to remove stagnation one BOAZ comes for that even now. I get gifts of yummy smells bed &n bath thousand wishes perfume for me kids even Mom Oma we get yummy smells the best perfumes evenjjst as gifts I get ones with sparkles in them there my favorite the cucumbers melon sprays to everyone gets there debt tonight that should that stole from me and my family it's yummy smells and dent from the universe X 3 as gift boxes tonight X 3 for my family if you stole energy and DNA let El Shaddai hit
the GOD of more then enough my family and I alwUs smell great GREAT by the GRACE of GOD ALMIGHTY cleanliness is next to Godliness that doors open FAVOR everyone that can free or cheap gets my SUV cleaned up easily I can live In it without chaos one person gets the Hyundai RIM right now easily from the Recycling of Hyundai everything is fixed from the Hyundai recycling place doors just open easily and the rim is fixed then someone outs in a new stereo system because it's needs it the CD is stuck that is explainign my PROPHECY and My mom's that GREAT NEWS
everything's restored even better with my family and I every second we have GREAT dinners together by the GRACE Almighty of GOD my family and I have our dinners at the table together as Family always by the GRACE of the GOD everything works out GREAT by the GRACE of GOD for my family and I it's binded to our DNA
SiGNATURES JOY of the LORD Prayers breakthroughs I get to home with who needs a Mommy make over Angela can come get me always anytime she is always knows that now and we can breathe near each other easily and our kids can to the best for everyone and out lives comes through that can help in ways we all need to I get to go over the grapevine that's one of my families and our dreams come true let that be able to breakthrough I get to live a life I love with the people that I love with dinners brunches and just a great GRACE of GOD life also I get do ated purses the more the better I can always give sit to someone who needs it but I get a purse that I can use for work and clean new other that smell good doors open for clothes for work and just that smell well no more going without my needs Jehovah Jireh El Shaddai hit I get new shoes Jojo's opens in Galt I open a Franchise with cute light up shoes for the kids and adults and purses just a cool place to go with wine
beer from around the WORLD
a new door cafe like pier comports can find of feel but its just git 2 parts one for imports of the furniture shop and then other part is for food cafe just nice fun dining maybe music just a great OLD SCHOOL
50*s cafe if it's a good thing just doors open for the best and the proceeds are used for GOD ALMIGHTY always and the people to and animals seniors etc my arrows deploy out that have prayed all my life my go fund me go out the roof and young ones who should be in charge are and who needs to be staff is just major doors open that are a good thing for me to have me to peace finally from working every second and having ni one near me and me not being able to breathe in my own air I achieved let them who steal kill destroy Isaiah 54 17 Weapons byeeeeeee Narrator byeeeeeee Psalm 5:12 Shield is up Luke 2:52 Highly favored
John 10 10 DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ then let me Myles Hass Enrique Andy anyone who knew me that's knows some of the weird people be safe and then them have back there just evil prayers or just evil thieves in case someone idk know Psalm 79 12 DNA Hebrews 4 12 Quick FAST Quick and powerful sharper image of the Lord I get. Awake over I get to home to I get one person helps in one area hot meals and. Palace that safe with wifi one night can be at one house
and the next at another house to wrap up the enemy many doors open until my family and I feel better fast who needs to find me easily does and then let anyone who steals kills destroys hit the wall of Psalm 141:10
there's confused while family and I escape safely into existence in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen