Prayer Warrior
I Prophecy decree declare demand into existence My GRACE is removed from Myles Hass and Selena Gomez and anyone else God waisted his time and so did I completely. Remove me from him completely because I woke up in excruciating pain he doesn't care at all and he doesn't he never did. He follows all kinds of women and I don't want to ever care for him again. Some actors use extreme to take our souls apart I want my Grace from them all now period permanently. Cover me and Enrique secretly anyone listening
online just remove them Myles Hass cannot reap to me to steal my energy anymore he is not a dream come true to me or God Almighty at all I don't believe in him at all Myles Hass time is way up as he never even texted me once texts way other women chases whatever remove him as the was last husband God tried I don't want to wake up seeing him ever again let him reap his evil he did and all actors and whoever that was a Great idea to murder me secretly listening
now let them be confused confounding and troubled forever
let him the verse JOHN 10 10 10 10 DIAZ 10 DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ and then bring Enrique if he can text back and call like a normal person because I deserve someone who can be by my side remove all thieves today and remove Myles Hass and all his weird followers and remove he he follows from my life he doesn't deserve the wife that God tried to give him as I'm the best in the world
then I'm hidden HIT PASSAGE
FOLD Psalm 79 12 Wear your prayers forever
I get a make over because I have been done so ugly it's insane BOAZ hits with a heart for me and I get a cute to live with normal life now because I didn't have anything in my life I get a normal person who can breathe near me and I don't need to worry about the World
they can take care of themselves for now on in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen