Prayer Warrior
I Prophecy decree declare demand into existence That today the morning 

belongs to the Lord shake the wickedness out the Fake
people who follow me my kids family that is a good thing innocents don't remember our names we become no ones business manifesting BOAZ'S that want a normal healthy lifestyle love there dogs cats and don't eat souls continually. Remove everyone from my soul my kids family that is a good thing innocents souls now. Bring in as many arrows
as it takes about Myles Hass and Enrique the team also bring in the Kardashians and Angela Keanu Reeves his family Collin Farrell his family Skeet his family closer if it's a good thing Cory Feldman Prophet in Africa easily helps my daughter win her dream and Prophet Pastor 7+ does as well and people who are a good thing then bring who is a good thing towards me my kids family that is a good thing innocents always keep us safe retirement is our name
. Make us that's a good thing no ones business for er manifesting we do have our dreams come true air hearts desires Favor we prayed with us not the the thieves. Reveal the truth if Myles Hass gave his life for me or he is just Fake
I gave my life for him as God commanded me. I get a place to live with a husband and my daughter and my son gets his person God designed for him. X3 Hit
FOLD Deut 28 13 TAILED Tail never again will I my kids family that is a good thing innocents be the TAIL TALK
of the Town the weird Narrator byeeeeeee Paula's byeeeeeee Kayleena Freeman Shaleen Freeman Ferguson Wolfinger Jessica Kyle Sara James Jake David Trimble and 50 coven Albert Rick Maria Salcedo Luis Torres Joel Magdeleno Maria Magdaleno Hector Maya followers Gwen Braden Kelly Couldron Shylo Tori Kelly Leyba Teresa Hydrogo Rebecca Myers Christina Creller Kayleena Creller Jessica religious weirdo Bree Kareena Gross Roger Sandra Fairres Sandra TORRES Stacey TORRES Cynthia Torres Joel Magdeleno Lana Magdeleno Larry Brand Deanna Brand Larry Loudermilk Kim Ferguson no one has my throat control chakra control my kids family that is a good thing innocents innocents instead they have no way to move inside breathe inside
that's what you pray that's what you keep until you bleed inside absolutely not being alive and become 3 with no memory of anything no head and no dreams until I own your life supply Psalm 79 12 X3
byeeeeeee Narrator byeeeeeee Paula's byeeeeeee Kayleena Ferguson Anthony Ferguson teeth Daniel Ambriz Daniel Cervantes Janelle Cervantes today byeeeeeee bring in the truth and give my life healing the turn around is here myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents have our Domain GLORY to GLORY dominion dimensions Forever
no more Fake
people anyone who is Fake HIT
FOLD John 10 10 10 10 10 DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ forever they don't get back
up ever. Everyone who is FAKE has Takis as lungs broken picker glass in there lungs with no one that can breathe by there side keep your spells keep your evil
witchcraft tormenting energy divination wear it now Daniel 10 12-13 Let PASSAGE
FOLD HIT Into existence ANGELS
to be released to war and win easily against any spirit or people wicked assign Ed to block our. Prayers from being answered now in Jesus name amen amen amen amen