Shaun’s Savior is Jesus Christ
Prayer Warrior
I have a mystery disease where I am dizzy and off-balance for over 1 year, which is horrible living this way second to second. My legs and arms and abdomen and chest and back of head are in pain all day every day. I’ve seen all sorts of specialists and doctors over the last year and they cannot diagnose what is happening. I made a post a few days ago stating that I’m no longer believing in God to heal me because I’ve been praying over one year and nothing has happened. I’m in a lot of dizziness and pain today so I’m humbling myself and asking the Lord to please heal me of whatever this is. I’ve been talking to a lot of atheists who are telling me there’s no God and there’s no healing. I’ve been a believer my entire life and believe God can heal me. I wish God won’t make me walk in the valley of the shadow of death much longer because it’s been terrible. I’ve almost died eight times in the last year. My breathing was stopping and my nervous system was stopping. On those eight days I was talking to the Lord ready for Him to receive my spirit. I don’t think I’m ready to go yet even though I can’t live this way much longer. I believe in heaven, so that is much better than this life but being in this state that I’m in now, I don’t understand what God is trying to tell me. And the fact that none of the doctors and specialists know what is going on I feel like this is something that is a spiritual attack. I don’t have any major sins in my life. Anyway, asking for prayers, even though after a year, nothing has happened and I don’t have much faith that something’s gonna happen today. But I still have that small mustard seed size of faith that somehow God can and will heal me.