Good and Faithful Servant
40 Prayer Points Against Demonic Oppression Thank you, Lord for the salvation and my soul, thank you Lord for the breath of life, be thou exalted in Jesus’ name. I confess all sins before you this today, according to 1 John 1:9; father, cleanse me from every unrighteousness, purify me today in Jesus’ name. According to Isaiah 54:17; Father, your word said that no weapon formed against me will prosper, I cancelled and destroy all demonic weapon set against me and my household in Jesus’ name. According to Psalms 91:11; I claim your promises and lay everything down before you, command your angles to take charge and keep me safe in Christ Jesus. I wear your righteousness today against all condemnation, corruption, attack and evil demonic manipulations in Jesus’ name. Nahum 1:9 says affliction will not rise up the second time, I claim this over all demonic oppression and manipulations operating against my progress in Jesus’ name. Anything that comes against me or my family that is not in line with the truth and will of God, I command it to bow to the powerful name of Jesus. 2 Thessalonians 3:3; But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and keep you from evil, Father according to your word, I decree your supernatural protection over demonic manipulations in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus to break every hold and yoke of satanic oppression and manipulations over my life in Jesus’ name. James 4:7; Submit therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Father, I surrender all my being to you. I command every satanic oppression to give away and crumble in the mighty name of Jesus. I renounce every workings of the devil over my life and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. I destroy all representation of occultism in my life and destiny in Jesus’ name. I rest on the finished work of Christ on the cross and declared ends to all manipulations and oppression from the pit of hell in the mighty name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire, break asunder every evil occultic power in my life and generation in Jesus’ name. Every power of occultism and oppression over my destiny and family perish in the name of Jesus. The voice of the Lord, open the door that the force of darkness has shut against me in Jesus’ name. Voice of God, open the way for me where the forces of darkness have closed the door against me in Jesus’ name. Anointing of shame and disgrace dry up over me in the mighty name of Jesus. Every wind of darkness blowing contrary to the tree of joy in my life be silenced in the name of Jesus. Everything inside of me that pushes me to err which give room for demonic oppression, Blood of Jesus consume it. Every storm sent to me from my dream to steal my garment of glory be silenced in the name of Jesus. Every evil oppressor and manipulators oppressing me in the dream, catch fire in the name of Jesus. Anointing of grace for conquering over demonic manipulation and oppression baptize me now in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare that I will not die until I fulfil my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. Every gateway of affliction into my life and destiny be close by fire in Jesus’ name. My hand shall not be weakened in the day of battle in Jesus’ name. Anyone that is holding on to my entitlement shall be visited by the plague from God(Jeremy, Steven, Michael, Gene, Eugene, Josh, Joshua, Jerimiah, Shayanne, Christy, Leanne, Dina if she's doing this crap Kieth wickham, even if he's quit Kelly, Amy whoever that is, Mexican neighbor and his girlfriend and daughters his sister down bellow, His little bitch friend, Pink hair up above The old man if he's involved, The tweaker, all people kids and children involved, Even my wife if she is or was or asshole up in idaho with his look.) in Jesus’ name. Oh Lord, have mercy on me and deliver me from the snare of the fowlers in Jesus’ name. Fire of Holy Ghost, brood over me in the mighty name of Jesus. All principalities and powers that have enthrone themselves over my life to oppress me, holy ghost fire dethrone them in the name of Jesus. Every ruler of darkness in all hidden places take authority over my life, destiny, family and environment, Holy ghost fire consume and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name. I rebuke and curse every evil spirit enforcing evil covenant into my life, I command you to release me by fire in Jesus’ name. Blood of Jesus, flush out of my system every inherited satanic deposit in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, send your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and destroy every evil plantation therein in Jesus’ name. Everything transferred into my life by demonic laying on of hand, loose your hold right now in the name of Jesus. Every foundational strongman and rod of the wicked rising up against me and attaching themselves to my life be paralyzed and made impotent in Jesus’ name. Every effect of demonic incisions, sacrifice, curse and initiation upon my life, come out with all your roots in the mighty name of Jesus. Every evil and aggressive altar erected against me be disgraced and pull down in the mighty name of Jesus. I decree victory and rejoicing forever over all battles of oppression and satanic warfare over my life and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. I blessed God for all answered prayers, it is settled and well with my soul in Jesus’ name. May the lord be praised because I am an Overcomer. Amen. Copyright (c) Bible and Prayers 40 Prayer Points Against Demonic Oppression .