202302030156...Prayer request, moving from current quarters, via U-haul Box. May the Almighty Creator, guide, direct, protect, and illuminate the pathway of the U-haul Company, and the current compound land managers at 10843 Pebble Hill Drive-Reno, Nevada 89521.The HUD/VASH Case Manager: Hon. Mr Uriel Gonzalez, as he assists me in finding me suitable quarters. Watch over and guide the new compound land managers even if that turns out to be a motel until quarters can be found. The VAMC here in Reno, Nevada. The Sierra Nevada Healthcare System. The PADRECC in San Francisco, California. May the Almighty Creator, give you safety if you choose to pray for this prayer. May you not be swayed to the left or to the right. May he protect you from all forms of corruption. May he also provide you with a sound mind. Amen, Ameen, Amun, Amin, Aum..Be at peace. Thank you for this opportunity.
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