Prayer Partner
2023 was a very challenging year for me. My boyfriend of 1 year and 11 months broke up with me citing that he felt lost and needed time to focus on himself. He said that he wanted to continue being friends and that once he was back on his feet he would return to me. Note that we were in a long distance relationship. Since then he has stayed in touch to make sure that I was doing good. However, prior to the end of our relationship, I continuously showed up for this individual time and time again and bailed him out of many situations where he needed financial help. He asked me to loan him money for his relative, to fix his step dadโs car before he found out, to buy a ticket for a trip, to get some funds because he lost his money during his trip and so on. Now that our relationship has ended he is yet to repay that debt. In August, I saw him change his photo to a picture with him and another girl. I then proceeded to message him in regard to the money simply asking that he gets on a payment plan ( I did not mention the photo I discovered, furthermore, he removed it later the day that he posted it). He made his first payment in August and since then he has failed to pay the agreed upon amount in full and at the appointed time. In December he messaged me stating that he would need to reduce the monthly payment which would mean that the 2 year old debt would not be recovered until an additional 3 years later. On New Yearโs Day, I discovered that the female who I saw in the photo traveled, possibly to his country and he was liking her photos. Right now I need a word from God. I am beyond broken. I just cannot fathom how someone who Iโve never done any harm to could betray me in this way. Whatever mountain he needed me to move, I moved it. Throughout our relationship when he failed to repay me, I never once let it get between us. And now he is blatantly lying to my face by omitting the fact that heโs talking to someone new. All while his breakup message implied that he just needed time for us to get things back on track. Heโs not repaying me. And itโs eating at me daily that heโs now wanting to extend the timeline by another 3 years. Heโs also sending mixed signals where he checks in on me outside of the money all while heโs probably still entertaining this girl. These issues have been weighing on me a lot and Iโm just not sure what to do anymore. I want to collect on the debt but I find that the constant communication is keeping me in the same spot that he left me in- I just canโt move on, and collect all my money because itโs constantly on my mind. I want to have a clear head In our communication but the money is a huge factor. I need supernatural intervention. I need a word from God. Spiritually I am weak, physically I am drained and emotionally Iโm just not here. I just donโt know what to do. I opened my heart to this person who pursued me for yearssss and now heโs just turned his back on the one person who did any and everything to make sure that he was okay. Saints, please pray for my strength I am also struggling with someone else who came into my life since my ex broke up with me. On the surface, he seems like a nice guy and he does check on me a lot. But he wants to date multiple people and sometimes take a while to reply to messages. And then when I act accordingly by not texting him, he reaches out again. Iโm not sure what it all means, but I just need wisdom to navigate that situation and I pray that God will enhance my ability to discern his true intentions and to see clearly these issues that I am faced with. Thanks in advance for your help