202111110427...''Proverbs 10:22 “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.”...Please don't let these prayer requests, lead you in any way towards the prosperity gospels...https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/opinions/outlook/worst-ideas/prosperity-gospel.html....The Almighty Creator already knows what you have need of, before you even ask...I was just analyzing the website that deals with the United States Federal Reserve System notes, that I store in their facility every month from my VA Pension and my Social Security. Like the Holy Bible, which draws us from our 'old man', through trials and tribulations, to the 'meat' of the Old Testament (As I have mentioned before, I'm a US Army Veteran and 'we love the Old Testament'), to the New and Everlasting covenant..In other words-'Those that don't review their HISTORY are doomed to repeat it.'.. Anyway, in saying that, after close to 45 years of trying to live differently than my 'old man', the bank had blessed me, with my first financial blessing of $2,000.00 in a credit card allocation. So keeping in the marvelous tradition of thanking the Almighty Creator, for blessings we have received. I am sharing this good news of the blessing, or provision of a 'praise report'..I have had many blessings in the close to 45 years as a christian, from the Subthamaic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation Surgical implant which finacially has cost the United States Government, more than my life insurance policies 20 times over; all of the medical care provided through a host of Medicare Advantage insurance companies, United States Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, civilian healthcare coverage, which has probably cost the United States Government and all of the other insurance providers close to 4 million US Dollars-Parkinson's Disease Plus is very costly. All of the Specialists in their Medical Profession; all of the medical testing-Nuclear, Xray, Datscan, Blood draws, DNA Genomic testing, Administration Personnel, Transport, Mortuary Affairs, the whole shibang-I'm Blessed and because of you and your prayer requests I'm Blessed..Time for the prayer requests, for the financial organizations and the kinfolks that have blessed me in one small way or another. of course, right off the bat, the combined federal campaign and the 77 charitable organizations that continue to inspire me with their 100% non-profit organizations. Army Emergency Relief, The Salvation Army, The Dallas Life Foundation, the Dallas Baptist Gospel Rescue Mission; Homeless shelters through the CityGate and Association of Gospel Rescue Missions all over the United States from New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington. To the financial organizations: Wells Fargo Bank, Ally Bank, Pentagon Federal Credit Union, Andrews Federal Credit Union, Bank of America, TruStage Life Insurance Company, Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Company, Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company, ServiceMembers Group Life Insurance Company, First Premier Bank, Continental Finance Company; Credit One Bank, Capital One Bank, Gemini Crypto Trading Platform, Apex Crypto Traidng Platform, E*trade Financial, and a whole host of others that have provided me with some sort of support over the last 45 years. 'No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon.'..Matthew 6:24.. Of course I cannot say enough about the VA Pension and the Social Security, that provides the 13,980 USD annually that I enjoy. As well, I cannot say enough about the HUD/VASH Program, Reno Housing Authority and every government organization, that is involved in my case management....https://www.openbible.info/topics/tricks_of_the_devil..As I prayer in one of my other prayer requests yesterday or early this morning, I would like to pray now over you..May the Almighty Creator, bless you against the wickedness and snare of the devil and protect you from every form of corruption....Take utmost care of yourselves and don't forget to share the good news of your blessings...'https://www.openbible.info/topics/rely_on_god'..Its wonderful to rely on God. As a mature human of free will, I pray that your faith, has grown in one small way or another, after me sharing with you these prayer requests. Please remember that God never tests you-corruption or otherwise. So please love one another as the Almighty Creator has loved you. (Man is flawed so their translations are also flawed in one way or another.)..
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