Disciple of Prayer

1.- To those who do not receive My Own Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in their hand, I Promise to shower them with My Blessings in their hands, heart, soul and in their entire being.
2.- I promise you many more graces in earthly life, and the consequent greater guarantees of salvation and increase in essential and accidental Glory, for all your eternal living with Me in Heaven.
3.- They will feel Me in Communion so completely and with such fullness that their natural desire to touch Me will be removed.
4.- If you do this, you will receive great graces from Me and great benefits for your entire house.
5.- I promise to those who duly do what I most desire, special power in their hands against the enemies of the soul; and to many I will give gifts of healing.
6.- I promise that if you do this with perseverance, you will arrive in everything with greater intensity, to seek only My greatest Honor and Glory, and I will especially exalt you, all eternity.
7.- I will grant, to those who, out of love to fulfill all My designs, do not receive Me in their hand, out of greater adoration, humility and holy respect, the gift of discernment of spirits with greater intensity.
8.- Their names will be written especially in My Heart, yes, to give me greater pleasure, they receive communion in the mouth and not in the hand.
9.- I promise that I will increase all your virtues, as a reward for that greater humility that comes with never believing clean their own hands to touch me.
10.- I promise that they will faithfully propagate My Doctrine, and will more easily overcome all kinds of temptations.
11.- Those who receive Me in the mouth and not in the hand will not distance souls from Me, if they do so with due reverence, and live this way during each one of the days of their life.
12.- I promise that those who, out of affection for My pleasure, give Me comfort by always receiving Me in their mouth and never in their hand, will not have the door closed to My Love.
13.- If you persevere in this way to please Me more, receiving communion in your mouth, I promise you will come to work only for My Heart, with My Heart, in My Heart, for My Divine Heart.
14.- I promise to those who honor Me in this way, to be very intensely and pleasantly heard by My Heart.
15.- If in this so important for Me, you give Me the greatest pleasure, you will always like, for My Love, to follow My Divine motions, and I will especially recreate you, as proof of My pleasure in the fact that you always receive communion in the mouth and never in the hand.
16.- These will always do much greater good to souls; On the other hand, those who insist on receiving Me by the hand will be hardened in many things towards My Will, and obscured about My Own taste, My Own Preaching and My Own Magisterium.
17.- Quite the opposite of those who tremble in their hands and do not touch the Sacred Consecrated Form, they prepare especially in their entire being, when it comes to receiving Me in communion, they ask Me to Be Only I and nothing them: I promise the grace of soon reach the highest Christian perfection, they will seek My Face with more love, they will forget themselves more easily, they will always have My Heart consoled by this gesture, they will receive greater heavenly lights and they will have greater joy from My Heart forever and ever.
I promise to those who spread these promises
1.- The gift of knowledge of hearts.
2.- They will achieve excellent glory in Heaven.
3.- They will have a long spiritual life, although not always material, but in a few years, as if they had lived many years of holiness.
4.- I will give great blessings to their families.
5.- The more they spread them, the more I will pour myself into them.
6.- I will make them feel in an ineffable way, in a growing plenitude.
7.- I will not allow the companies they undertake if they are not to my liking.
8.- I will put enough Light on their paths so that with My abundant assistance, they avoid evil and do not only what is good, but what pleases Me most.
9.- I will give them even greater thanks, countless if they spread them with fervor: consider it a great omission not to make My Promises known.
53 Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.
54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
55 For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.
57 Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father,so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.
58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
59 These things he said while teaching in the synagogue in ###.