Rohit chetri
Servant of All
1. Pray GOD forgives the world's sin and heal all the sick people and animals. 2. Kindly pray for my elder sister Durga and her husband Bala, last year they opened a Preschool but because of Covid-19 corona virus they hardly got any students for admissions, they are facing financial loses, pray they get students for admissions for their school, and also pray other schools also get students for admissions. 3. Pray GOD Bless and heal my mother Jaya Chetri, my elder sister Reshma, my elder sister Durga her husband Bala and their children Cyra, Avniel and Evangeline. Also pray for my brother in law Bala's family, my relatives, my neighbours, my friends, Akriti her husband Pratik and their family. 4. Pray for my neighbour sister Pushpa's mother complete healing from full body pain and also her mother could hear clearly without hearing machine. 5. Pray GOD Bless all homeless people and animals with their daily needs. Pray peace for my country India and peace for the world. Pray for all parents and their children, every single father and mothers, teachers, students, doctors, nurses, other health workers, NGO workers, rescue workers, firefighters, police, soldiers, government workers, private workers, politicians, bosses and their employees. GOD bless you