Humble Servant of All
1. Pray for me handling all I have to do tomorrow. Bless me, my brain, my body and peace - let me be calm, productive, prosper and feel at ease. 2. Pray for Arina, that her foot is not hurt that bad. That she gets to see a doctor fast, and that her pain is tanken care of. Pray this doesnt affect her as little as possible. 3. Pray for my friend, that her heart finds peace. That she is take so good care of that she feels safe. And that this carries on into treatment later. 4. Pray I remember everything I am supposed to do tomorrow. 5. Pray that my trip with my friend is without problems and that I am blessed to go on without damagw to my body. 6. Pray I get a good night sleep and feel rested tomorrow. 7. Pray my daughter and husband get here safe tomorrow. 8. Pray my daughter and I are blessed with a beautiful weekend. 9. Please, let there be time for rest for me during the weekend. 10. Pray that my daughter feels okay with nor having to have seen me in a while. Let it be blessed. 11. Pray my coordinator and I have more of an understanding. Keep my amygdala calm. Help me understand what I am doing here. Amen