Disciple of Prayer
1. Felix Amadi to pay me my 3 million Naira since 7 years in pretence to sell a piece of land to my daughter and I. 2. God's healing to my sister's liver ( Ifeoma). She vomits blood from time to time and doctors don't know where the blood comes from. Doctor said she needs liver transplant, there is no money for that. She nearly died this January. She is in rehab in USA. 3. God to remember Augustine's. Addict chronic Indian hemp and cigar smoker for years and a drunkard. He has been written off at 63years, with now arthritis in his leg. 4. Am in pains, my daughter's kids were taken to Abuja by her husband 3 days immediately after death. Fingers point to the husband and her mother inlaw to her death. Since January 2020 till now I have not seen my grandkids and no communication from them even when tried to call Fola her husband. 5. Am still wondering what my son's are, my son's wife brought a divorce letter to my only child now, she told my two grandkids away and refused to return them back or even let their father or me see them . It's heart breaking to me. I answer grandma without having access to them. God help me. My heart is bleeding. 6. I need peace in my new house, I left the first house cos of evil presence, now this new duplex I moved in last January, I started seeing baby life toad though I killed the toad and since then it stop but black thread like millipedes in a clean wall tiled bathroom comes around occasionally, I kill them but the come back, where the come from, I don't know, even in my room, I saw a dead baby frog(once). I anointed my house yet. I need my house to be cleansed God. 7. I want God to expose, shame and destroy my evils and those who killed my daughter. 8. God to change my stories. People hate me without a course and tells negative story about me. 9. My helpers from nowhere cut off from me even a man coming to marry me just cut off even when I tried reaching out to him. 10. My sister's son in US is just a vagabond over there. God touch him and my brother's 3 days are ripe for marriages for connection.