Beloved Servant
1 Corinthians 6:17-20
In Jesus' Name, I Pray God's Will for You Today
I pray that you take good care of your body for it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. May you honor God with your body, for you are no longer your own, you were bought by God at a price. I pray that you will flee from all sexual immorality, and be united in Spirit with the Lord. May you always be healthy, never defiling your body. May you have the discipline and the wisdom to care for it, so that you may have long life. I pray that you will not neglect your body, but seek to always be healthy so that you may fulfill all the plans the Lord has for you.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
In Jesus' Name, I Pray God's Will for You Today
I pray that you take good care of your body for it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. May you honor God with your body, for you are no longer your own, you were bought by God at a price. I pray that you will flee from all sexual immorality, and be united in Spirit with the Lord. May you always be healthy, never defiling your body. May you have the discipline and the wisdom to care for it, so that you may have long life. I pray that you will not neglect your body, but seek to always be healthy so that you may fulfill all the plans the Lord has for you.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.