Humble Servant of All
1. Bless my daughter with love, safety, happiness, prosperity, hope, grace, growth, feeling You in everything, kindness, being smart, being brave and feeling like the world is hers to have and experience in the best way. Do not let be discouraged og scared, do not let traumas of her birth or me&my husbands fight affect her well being. Protect her and keep her safe in Your hands. Guide her. 2. Bless me and keep med safe. Take my wounds, my trauma and my bitterness. Lift me out of all my gloom and let me see things clearly. Help me hold my tongue so No evil og hate is spoken today on my account. Protect me from bullies. 3. Keep me safe from my husband. Help gide me as what to do here. I struggle to know what to do. I am afraid I stay in this relationship because I never learned what a healthy relationship is supposed to be, so my trauma response is just to stay and fight rather then free myself of it and leave. Afraid og how I hurt my daughter either way. Help, Jesus. 4. Bless my home with love and happiness. 5. Bless my workplace, my coworkers, my patients and myself. Keep us all safe. Guide us who are the patients caregivers to help them and see them as You would, Jesus. Let me be the best nurse I can be. Protect us all from leaders who are bullies, liars and only think of money not people. 6. Help me help myself in getting healthy, keeping my body as a temple. I have neglected myself for too long. Pray testresults due in some weeks are okay. 7. Help me find a church. Help me not be afraid and ashamed. 8. Help me preparert for my interview next week. Help me get the job if it is right for me. 9. Help me help a coworkers who struggles with depression. Please help her heal, Jesus, and I pray she finds You
10. Bless all that pray for me