Beloved of All
07/24/2023 -approx- 10:12 AM - asking 4 exstreame restoration MERCYS as well as for deliverance for adopted Father in law to be delivered from a spirit of persecution & or slander against me !- I plead the holy blood of iesous YESHUA of Nazereth Over EVRYTHING Involved retroactively in Jesus name and ALLSO PLEAD the holy blood of iesous YESHUA over mercy for THEASE for peace and grace as well as deliverance from any spirits of either Baa,ll prior -&- or Aphrodite -&- against all Networked COVENS or small COVENS sucth as the one in crown king & in Phoenix az , I plead the holy blood of iesous of nazereth , over every aspect of this petition & ALLSO for Israel -&- whatever countries the Lord IESOUS would have mercy on -&- as am poor and a victim of satanic manipulated theft of DISCEASED MOTHERS LIFE INS and AM her only male heir , with no HEIRS as have never formally married I plead the holy blood and ask for a good turbo Diesel Truck And a toy/hauler that is nice or a used skyline - freestyle -&- A good touring motorcycle and resources to utilize them as well as for a young Asian or attractive petite mullato wife that would be a blessing and actually love me ,..ALLSO 4 physical & spiritual healing as well as for greater wisdom & A heart of flesh ... That what the Lord spoke might be fulfilled Psalm 110 : 4 -&- ALLSO Claiming Psalm 91-&- EVRY spoken Promise in God's Holy spirit Breathed word 1611-KJV 4 EVRY wounded XTIANs in IESOUS Name aa well as for mercy in multiple other areas I plead the blood of the lamb 8 fold over this petition as well as do Bind all of the Enemy's intentions of murder Against me or another IJNIP...