heavenly father pls kindly forgive i. Pls am kindly needing deliverance from witchcraft and zodiac signs/ horoscopes. and all evil. in jesus christ name. amen.
Lord pls kindly am needing set free from knowledge of horoscopes and zodiac signs. Set free from staring issues. Pls kindly forgive me for this thing I did six seven years earlier and twelve years earlier. amen.
Heavenly pls cleanse me from all knowledge of horoscopes and zodiac signs and all witchcraft. Pls crush all this. S I will n longer remember this. Pls forgive m of this.
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all horoscopes witchcraft familiar spirits soul ties zodiac signs and all evil thoughts and bad thoughts and bad motives. Pls destroy all this and put it all to death. That I will have healing in all areas in my life. Amen.
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls cleanse my heart and my mind. Pls continually deliver me from and destroy and consume all evil idolatry witchcraft curses yokes bondages strongholds sin unforgiveness grudges anger rage...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls continually deliver me from and destroy and consume all evil idolatry witchcraft curses yokes bondages strongholds sin unforgiveness grudges anger rage horoscopes zodiac signs hatred familiar...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls continually deliver me from and destroy and consume all evil idolatry witchcraft sin unforgiveness grudges anger rage horoscopes zodiac signs hatred familiar spirits evil eye resentment strife...
Heavenly father pls deliver set me free from thinking of all horoscopes all zodiac signs and compatibility and incompatiblitly of zodiac signs and all types of witchcraft and all evil things and all evil eye. Pls clean my brain out of all this. Pls help me that I will continually live a life and...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me that I will be set free from horoscopes and zodiac signs and I will stop thinking about this things and that I can completely forget about them and not remember them anymore. Protection from nightmares and spiritual attacks. In Yeshua mighty...
heavenly father pls set me free from all horoscopes all zodiac signs from all occult evils from all witchcraft from all sin from all things of the world. Pls I want to fully turn towards u & forsake all else. Pls I want to be set apart from this wicked planet & become one of your children. I...
Protection from evil spirits, demonic spirits unclean spirits demonic possession demonic oppression insanity, mental illness mental retardation from horoscopes from zodiac signs from witchcraft from tarot psychics from palm readings from prostitution from occult from illuminati schizophrenia...