
  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Prayer For A Panic Attack I Am Having Right Now...thank-you everyone...

    Several things have triggered me this morning and i am trying to stay calm & not panic anymore right now And thanks to everyone for praying for me to keep my peace & composure & stay very relaxed & to be able to calm down totally right now...and i ask this all of You Dear Father God in Jesus's...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I ask prayer for my physical & emotional health & also for A Godly Companion in life & may you answer my prayers By Divine Miracles In Jesus Name Amen

    Dear Father God My Abba Daddy In Heaven Above i ask for these prayer requests in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ Please heal me physically and emotionally and send the most Godly companion so that i am not alone anymore Thank-You Father Son And Holy Ghost Amen and Amen xoxox
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please i need soo much prayer ( Unspoken Requests )

    Dear Heavenly Father In Jesus's Name Please help and heal me miraculously Amen xoxox
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please I Need Prayer For Physical Healings In My Body & Also For Very Serious Un-Spoken Prayer Requests Please By You Father God In Jesus's Name Amen

    Thank-you everyone soo very very much! Abba-Daddy-God please help me physically to be all healed and to feel better and be well and whole again and also those who I am deeply concerned about and chose to keep Un-Spoken for now too Please You know how serious all of these prayer requests...
  5. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Prayer Please (thank-you everyone soo much)

    My Heavenly Father my Abba-Daddy-God knows what all of my prayer requests are and I am trusting Him to answer miraculously and very swiftly now in Jesus's Divine and Holy Name Amen and so be it all done for me Amen xoxox
  6. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I need prayer to get all errands done today & also for a 100% physical healing from a serious psoriasis skin flare-up due to extreme stress for months

    Dearest Abba-Father-My-Daddy-God please help me & heal me 100% today in Your Son Jesus's Name If i ever needed a miraculous & divine touch from You it is now so i can be strong again & independent PLEASE MAKE ME 100% WHOLE AGAIN PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, & SPIRITUALLY IN YOUR SON JESUS'S NAME...
  7. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I need prayer for a great day and for no anxiety to upset me today and may i have a wonderful doctor's visit today too...

    Dear Abba-Father in Jesus's name please lead and guide me thru-out this whole day today and please keep all anxiety and nervousness and fear from hurting & tormenting me today and may i have great favor with my doctor today as well... thank-you God...Amen xoxox
  8. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    May I Be Given & Have The Peace From My Father God In Jesus's Name That Surpasses All Understanding/May Peace Guard My Heart & Mind In Christ Jesus XO

    Dearest Heavenly Father Grant me Your Peace please in Jesus's Name Thank-You Amen xoxox
  9. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please kindly pray for me as I am not feeling well at all thank-you soo much God take away all pain/sleeplessness/anxiety/fear/tiredness in Jesus Name

    Dearest Abba-Daddy-Father-God in Jesus's name please restore my health and help me get all well and all whole and completely healthy again in every area of my whole life Bless me with perfect health wholeness and total restoration...may i be fully renewed and healed totally in Jesus's name i...
  10. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please i need prayer tonight

    Please how ever the Holy Spirit leads you to pray for me i would be soo grateful i feel like i just can't go on one more second as i am soo upset about several very specific unspoken things thank-you for your compassion everyone And May God Bless All Of You xoxox
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    A serious prayer for my car to be fully repaired today

    when i call my mechanic this morning may my car be fully repaired very soon and not be expensive at all...i ask for a miracle for this prayer request Father in Jesus's Name Amen xoxox
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Prayer For My Physical Health Please

    I ask you My-Abba-Daddy-Father-God to heal me physically in Jesus's Name and make me every bit whole thank-you Lord and thank-you everyone xoxox Amen xoxox
  13. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Wow do i need prayer because i feel soo lost & all alone in life these days & any decision becomes soo hard for me too DADDY-GOD PLEASE SEND MIRACLES

  14. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I ask for a miracle in Jesus's Name...Please kindly pray for me.....please.....

    i ask for prayer that i will not give up and that i can persevere despite all that has come against me thank-you for up-holding me in your prayers everyone xoxox
  15. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Carry me Lord

    Dear Jesus In my weakness may Your Strength be made perfect... If ever i needed You It Is Now Please help me Thank-you Lord Amen xoxox
  16. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Help me please God as i don't feel well & yet there are soo many chores that i must get done & i am all alone right now Jesus Help Me Divinely Please

    Dear Father-God please heal me physically in Jesus's Name Touch my whole lower back & miraculously & divinely make me every bit whole Amen & thank-you soo much & so be it done for me Dearest Daddy-God In Your Son Jesus's Blessed Name Amen and Amen xoxox
  17. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please take this migraine away Abba-Daddy-Father-God in Jesus's Name

    Dearest Father In Jesus's Name please take my headache away please & help me to feel all better today I have soo much that i must get done & i need to not be sick with a migraine from stress & anxiety Please heal me Blessed Trinity Help me please Amen Thank-you God Amen xoxox
  18. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Dear Daddy-God please help me one second at a time to get thru tonight in Jesus's Name Holy Spirit minister to me in the night seasons as only YOU CAN

    Please Blessed Trinity Minister To Me All Of This Evening I need you second by second and I need you more thank-you soo much in Jesus's Name amen xoxox
  19. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Don't Feel Soo Good Right Now and I would soo appreciate your prayers for me thank-you to all of you very very much I am most grateful ( thank-you )

    Thank-you for praying for me soo much right now From extreme stress i feel like i just can't breathe at all and like i am slowly suffocating inside...and also now my lower back went out too from feeling soo nervous and stressed out today too Dear Abba-Father-Daddy-God please heal me completely...
  20. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Today Is My Birthday every holiday & special occasion i celebrate it soo all alone may today be the start of something new for me in Jesus's Name XO

    Abba-Daddy-My-Father-God-In-Heaven In Your Son Jesus's Name Please Bless Me With Very Special Gifts Amen xoxox
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